I'm a politician. My lips are moving. John Thune is my friend.
You figure it out.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Corona Queen Kristi Noem is being featured as the Republican hope, as she hearkens back to Ronald Reagan in what the Republican Party should be and not the Pence Whig party of the Patrician Bush 1% elites.
The Governor invested time at the Republican National Convention to address what the heart of the GOP should be, and not be heartless to the People. She reinvested in the Federalist in the speech below, but she makes mistakes in stating that two communists were elected out of Georgia, when they were not elected as those elections were stolen as Chicom Joe had the presidency stolen for him.
She is right in violence has no place in American political discourse. The problem is that American political discourse ended when crooked state politicians and crooked state judges did not address the concerns of voters who supported Donald Trump, and compounded it by the treachery of the black robes of the Supreme Court and the last crime in the certification by Congress of Joe Biden's election theft.
The fact is the Governor should read what her Congressman, Dusty Johnson told South Dakotans after he voted for Biden Crimes. Johnson hid behind the Constitution and said it had to be done. Johnson is a deceiver in the Constitution ordered him and Republicans to FIX THE THEFT and they did not, as they conspired against Americans and the rule of law for these Socialist Conglomerates who know that communists will allow them to seize all private property in America.
What Governor Noem ignorantly or deliberately deceives with is, the reason people were in Washington and set up by the Biden criminals to be blamed for violence, is political discourse has ended in America.
Governor Noem can speak of future in hope, but Joe Biden is going to make invaders into voting Americans who will nullify all further votes. Noem is the last Republican governor of South Dakota as Biden, as Bush and Obama did will pour in 300,000 Mexican invaders who will all vote democrat. They will turn South Dakota into a communist tax shit hole, just like California.
It is absolute horseshit covered in bullshit veneer for Governor Noem not to speak to that reality of political reality in America from 2021 AD in the year of our Lord onward.
Joe Biden is the greatest problem in this. If he desired peace as the Governor does, he would have appointed several Trump supporters to his cabinet in special position to voice their concerns, and not try to play Americans by having Lindsey Graham appealing to Joe Biden to reign in Pelosi and Schumer and not impeach Donald Trump.......so Biden will look like a great advocate for people who in the coming weeks is going to sign a pre written DOMESTIC TERRORIST BILL which is going to make every Trump supporter a domestic terrorist in order to unleash the entire federal and state system to destroy Conservatives.
Governor Noem should pull her head out of her ass also in knowing that is she is genuine. Joe Biden is going to withhold all federal funds in South Dakota, send in federal police, unless South Dakota masks up and vax's up. What Trump tried to do and the courts said he could not do, the crooked courts will provide carte blanche and Noem will be indicted as a domestic terrorist conspiring against the President.
The Republican Party is dead. It is a Pence Whig part of the elite 1% and democrats are just as dead in all they are is the corral to herd the pompous celebrity and the invader to pacification as the showers play soft German music before the gas.
What Governor Noem is advocating is impossible as the GOP is dead. She can not resurrect it and with Biden's invaders it will not be elected in 2022, unless to keep the masses duped the Senate is turned over again as with Obama to do nothing with the McConnell GOP rubber stamping all the communist Biden things just enacted in the past two years.
The Lame Cherry is not going to be drawn into politics again. What God moves to is Truth. When someone is telling you a crashing plane will be saved by just speeding up, I will tell you that the laws of political reality proven by Stalin, Moa and Obama will crash that plane. You can not make a Republic from communism, socialism or corporatism. To speak otherwise is to defy logic and only punt the ball into the death zone of the gulag.
Why does America need Republicans?
The answer to that is very simple: 2020.
The Republican party has failed America, and we need to change that now, before it’s too late. What we lived in 2020 is the left’s version for America. Covid didn’t crush the economy, the government did. And then it quickly turned around and declared itself the savior.
Americans are rightly frustrated, but that is no excuse for what happened in Washington on January 6th. Violence is never the solution, no matter which side of the aisle you are on.
Republicans now have a choice moving forward. I wrote about that choice this week in The Federalist, and I hope you’ll take just a couple of minutes to read and share with your family and friends.
Click HERE to read the article >>
We can move peacefully forward, and we can and will find common ground to restore the greatest, freest country that has ever existed. America’s best days are still ahead of us — but only if we can convince our citizens that big government isn’t the answer.
Thanks for your support,
Governor Kristi Noem
What Kristi Noem should be stating is Joe Biden has just been given all the guns in the FBI and all the guns in the Pentagon, and he intends to use them against Americans not like him.