Friday, January 15, 2021

Trump Flees



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 Pelosi Threatens Members Of Congress With Prosecution


 I know what I have posted in hope of the President stopping the steal. Everything could have a cover story about it, and yes the President could go Doomsday from Andrews Air Force Base as Biden is seized there Wednesday morning, but each of us has to already be in process of how we are going to deal individually and PEACEFULLY with Christ as our only leader, because with Nancy Pelosi crominalizing members of Congress, each of us is going to be criminalized into submission as Obama did with Obamacare once Biden completes the steal.

Friday January 15, 2021 12:02 PM

President Donald Trump will leave Washington next Wednesday morning, just before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, to begin his post-presidential life in Florida.

He will be sent off with a departure ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, according to a person familiar with the planning who spoke on condition of anonymity because Trump’s plans have not been formally announced. Officials are considering an elaborate event that would have the feel of a state visit, with a red carpet, color guard, military band and 21-gun salute all being discussed.


Do not mourn for Donald Trump. Do not pit him. He was the only choice we had in two elections, and he has either worked a deal to save himself and his family or he will face the swamp bringing him to ruin. If not ruin, then expect him to be cuddling with Michelle Obama the way George W. Bush did in working his deal for the family.


The proof of this election theft keeps poring in, but proof only matters in a just government, by, of and for the people. Get yourself enough supplies, and each of you had better start figuring out an evacuation plan where you can retreat to and wait for things to settle out if it becomes necessary. That means the battery out of your phone and if you are rich and have that wonderful On Star, well you did not prepare well enough.

You are not alone. You have Jesus and the Holy Angels, you have the people of this blog who pray and do care. Your job is to not make yourself a target by acting out, obeying the laws and paying your taxes.

I informed you in 2016 that you did not fail, as God recorded how you voted, and God is Who matters. You voted for the correct and only choice and you can not help with 1% intrigue or humans who are not George Washington in character.

Just close the door to it and leave it behind you, as God will take care of you, and God will Judge this wickedness and evil.


BOMBSHELL: Fulton County Elections Caught On Video Discussing Stealing Votes


The Red Coats are not coming Paul Revere, the Red Coats are here.



Nuff Said


