Friday, January 15, 2021

Trump's Pillow Talk

I have assured the President that my pillows suffocate traitors wonderfully
and you can take a nice nap afterwards.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Now this is interesting in the President has had a visit from his last loyalists, in Mike the pillow Guy, and the Washington Post spies were snapping photos of the operational plan which Mike Lindell brought to the President.

 As you can see there were pages of this operation and I can assure you that Mike Lindell did not come up with this, as if you bother to read the text, this is a well thought out plan which speaks directly of who needs to be where and what they need to do.






















 This is the translation:


Paul Colon NOW as Acting National Security
him with getting the evidence of ALL the
in the elction and all information regarding
using people he knows who already have security
is at Fort Mead. He is an attorney with cyber
and is up to speed on election issues.

Insurrection Act now as a result of the assault on the
martial law if ncessary ipon the first hint of

Sidney Powell , Bill Olsen, Kurt, Olsen
Move Kash Pastel to CIA Acting

in Foreign Interference in the election. Trigger
powers. Make clear this is China/Iran
also used domestic actors. Instruct Frank
elicit evidence on the more broad
likely amount
the line....evidence

 Now the Washington Post is most worried spying on the President as the leakers are probably gone, and the agencies spying on the President, are most interested in all of these moves.

The moves.....

So the President is isolated and this supporters are desperate to provide a detailed operation to save him and the United States.

What we know for certain is that the President has an operational plan which is most precise. This is not Steve Bannon DIA as the President is talking to Bannon.  It reads like something General McInerney's group would have developed.

This is proof that Mark Meadows has had the President isolated.

Now we can ponder, did the President have Mike Lindell carry this out to be seen to start the frantic WashPo response, because I promise you that, the DOJ and FBI are going crazy over this in looking at this as sedition and will probably have Mike Lindell up on charges.

Remember this is the same US Attorney who just told the world that MAGA rioters were intent on kidnapping and executions........and then had to walk it back as it was more of this anti Trump bullshit of framing innocent Americans.

No doubts now, Trump has the plan. Is he George Washington enough to be President.

I would do it Mr. President. 80 million of your voters would do it. What the hell else you got to do.

Nuff Said



Who’s Really Putting All the Troops on the Streets Of D.C.?

