Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Why did the President Delay going to the Alamo?



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Donald Trump delayed going to the Alamo for one day.



He met with shifty Mike Pence and said he would back him in 2024 if Donald Trump did not run.

Pence trotted out and told Nancy Pelosi to stuff it on the 25th Amendment.

The President then stated this:


TRUMP in TX: 25th Amendment Poses ‘Zero Risk to Me’ but ‘Will Haunt Joe Biden’   hannity 



 As TL heard this, "Haunt Joe Biden not in removing Joe Biden, but haunt Joe Biden that the Bush fam coup from Pence, was neutralized.

I know it is thin like Crockett at the Alama with Santa Ana's forces arrayed, but everything about this points to something still going on.

All the treacherous cabinet members have resigned or been muted now on the 25th. Mother will not let shifty Mike tell a lie in he will not go back on his word for the 25th being activated.

This is not 3 dim chess. This is high stakes poker and Trump is playing the table on their tells.

As the clock is running down, I do not see this will harm the President's hand in informing you in this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One does not bother with with removal if you are leaving in a few days. Trump's legacy will be trashed if he leaves office, so spelling Hitler with a cap H or small h will not matter. One does this to if you are staying around.

Pence is off the board, and Pence could not move with the President out of town, as the President played the hand well.

Joe Biden will be haunted not in Kamala and Obama, but they should have used the 25th, as now there is nothing in the short term of days to remove the President. This is a completely liberated President from this point on.

Nuff Said

