Wednesday, January 13, 2021

If the President stands down



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


I have been told that all military leave has been cancelled over a few days ago and that all military has reported to base.

This is not secret sources which you always read of, but this is from the military grapevine of families and friends. They know each other and are well aware of what their standing orders are.

In the plus minus, it would mean the expectation of violence. Whether it is foreign or domestic, whether this is Trump or Biden, whether this is the Pentagon locking in the Soldiers so they do not move to overthrow the Biden steal, will be revealed.

If President Trump hands America over to the steal, in examining Clinton and Obama past operations, it is a reality that the military and federal police will be unleashed on Americans who are to be criminalized.

What this blog is warning you is, your new leaders have already been picked. They are as phony as John Roberts. If you have any sense, you have already seen glimpses of you new heroes, as Tom Cotton earned his 30 pieces in shutting down the Senate's challenge.

Your new heroes will spout the Trump things that Trump did and never delivered on. You will be stampeded in emotion and fear, and rally to the brave deliverers who were invisible for four years.


Just be careful, and do not fall for the "this is communists" bullshit. Yes there are leftists in this, but these are  lords of the bank till. Yes illuminated thought practioners, but they created Marxism to look nations and manage them on the cheap.

The FBI and the military are fodder of this 1%. The 1% rules and never places itself in danger. The military will be fodder for the eurasian war. FBI and Homeland are the fodder for civilian crackdowns. The photos of the military in garb laying around the Capital are meant to condition you to seeing what 3rd world shit hole America is, and alienate the People from the military and police which the People paid for.

Is just an observation to comprehend. We need to prepare if the President stands down.

Nuff Said


