Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Congress Smells a Rat on January 6th


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After what Congress put Americans through in the past 30 years in the fraud Republicans and the fraud Democrats, I'm not inclined to trust anything as they are the major part of the problem. If Republicans in Congress had kept their word, there never would have been a Donald Trump.
If Democrats had kept their word, there never would have been a January 6th.

I'm post a letter from Senators Durbin and Grassley who head Senate Judiciary Committee, and while Dick Durbin has been nothing but political, if you read this letter to the DOJ and FBI, you can see the Senate has had something dawn on them in the ring of troops and cops surrounding them for weeks and running for their lives on January 6th. It looks like democrats and republicans, have had it down on them that they were played for a reason to cover up the election theft.

If you look at the highlighted questions, the Senate is digging for information in exactly what the FBI was aware of, and being aware, why did they not do anything to protect Congressmen.

Dear Acting Attorney General Wilkinson and Director Wray:
We are writing to gather additional information regarding the security posture and planning provided in advance of and during the January 6, 2021, Joint Session of Congress (“Joint Session”).  The security failures that enabled the January 6 attack span multiple agencies, and emerging reports raise serious concerns about the adequacy of preparations by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
It is essential that we obtain a complete accounting of your preparation for and response to the events of January 6.  To that end, we request responses to the following questions:
  1. What actions did DOJ and FBI take to address concerns about a violent attack at the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6? For example, did you establish a command post at FBI headquarters or the FBI’s Washington Field Office before the attack on the Capitol began? What actions did you take to ensure additional law enforcement resources from the FBI or other DOJ components were available to address a mass attack?
  1. How did DOJ and FBI coordinate planning for the events of January 6 with other intelligence and law enforcement agencies and departments, including the United States Capitol Police, District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department, United States Park Police, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense?
  1. What information did you possess about threats or threat actors related to the events that ultimately transpired on January 6, including individuals listed on the Terrorist Screening Database (or any other federal watch list available to the FBI) or otherwise affiliated with domestic violent extremist movements?
  1. Please produce all documents and communications that refer or relate to such threats, including intelligence bulletins, threat assessments, situational information reports, briefing materials, and requests for assistance.
  1. Did you prepare an intelligence bulletin or threat assessment about the risk of violence on January 6 for external or internal consumption? Why or why not?
  1. What information about these threats did you share with federal, state, or local departments and agencies, and with which departments and agencies did you share it and when?
  1. What communications did you have with technology companies about posts on their platforms concerning plans for violence on January 6?
  1. What role did DOJ and FBI play in the immediate law enforcement response to the attack on the Capitol on January 6? Please describe the role you played, what requests for assistance you received, and how you responded to those requests.
  1. Please describe the organization and scope of the law enforcement and prosecutorial response to the events of January 6.
  1. What FBI and DOJ components are involved in the response, and who is coordinating it?
  1. What guidance have prosecutors been given about charging decisions in connection with the events of January 6?
  1. Has anyone been tasked with reviewing the role of domestic violent extremist movements in enabling the attack on the Capitol? If so, who? If not, why not?
  1. What steps are you taking to disrupt threats of future violence by domestic violent extremist movements?
Please provide responses to these questions as soon as possible, and no later than February 16. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

 Grassley wrote. "Like many Americans, I have been deeply troubled by the rioting, looting, anti-police attacks, and deaths which have occurred this summer. While many legitimately protested in a peaceful manner consistent with their rights under the First Amendment, thousands of others did not," he said.

Grassley's letter contains a list of questions, such as the number of criminal investigations and cases that have been opened, the number of officers hurt and people killed.

"How did DOJ and FBI coordinate planning for the events that took place in summer of 2020 and recent events in Oregon and Washington with other intelligence and law enforcement agencies and departments?" reads one of the questions included in Grassley's letter.

"In light of the recent events, does the FBI consider antigovernment extremism, including anarchist extremism and Antifa adherents, a serious domestic terrorism threat?"

There is an old Star Trek episode called Arena, in which Kirk is building an old cannon out of natural elements for the explosive. At one point Spoc says, "Yes he understands". In the above, you can see Durbin and Grassley get it. Someone let in thugs to make them run like raped apes to certify Joe Biden and cause this police state. They have figured it out and now they are looking for who the hell played them.

For Durbin to sign a letter not mentioning MAGA is incredible. Grassley now is focused on ANTIFA's part. The Senators have this, and while they are trolls, they are pissed off trolls now as someone has 30,000 armed guards surrounding them in their Capitol Prison and they just realized they pissed their pants, because someone inside government was running an intelligence operation on them.

Nuff Said

