Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Joe Biden, WAKE UP, your SecDef is out of Control

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Considering that China just threatened the United States again.

Considering that Russia and the United States are in nuclear diplomatic restart, this is not the time for Joe Biden to be asleep while his SecDef has performed a coup in the US military, by elimtinating every civilian adviser board member.

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby announced on Tuesday that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered the resignation of all board members on all 42 department advisory committees.

Kirby said during a press conference that Austin was “deeply concerned with the pace and extent of recent changes to memberships in the department’s advisory committees” between November and January, referring to the large number of appointments former President Donald Trump made to the committees at the end of his term.

As a result, hundreds of members on 42 advisory boards must “conclude their service no later February 16,” Kirby said.

President Trump rightfully removed some established dinosaurs and fossils from these committees in Henry Kissinger. What the SecDef has done though in removing all civilian guidance, not for a week, but until this summer is outright reckless.

SecDef Davis took an oath to protect the United States. His actions have made America destabilized and vulnerable as he has turned Washington DC into an armed camp, that looks like something out of Red Square in the 1970's in Soviet Moscow.

The Lame Cherry calls for the immediate removal of the SecDef as he simply is someone who should have no confidence from anyone.

The Americans this Biden SecDef removed were legends in America. This is not just Newt Gingrich, but hosts of democrats, like Sam Nunn, who was the SecDef basically in the Senate guiding military policy for Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

The purpose of these boards is to combine the elite of American foreign, diplomatic, political expertise. They are there to advise on procurement to advise on foreign psychology. That is all gone now, in one stroke of a pen, it has been obliterated.

Joe Biden needs to wake up, and announce a stewardship for the Pentagon. William Cohen would be acceptable as Bill Clinton's SecDef until a reasonable replacement is found.

Nuff Said
