Saturday, February 6, 2021

Is the Atmosphere Rebelling against Joe Biden's Election Theft?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would suggest that you click on the WINDY link and watch this for yourself, as I have never witnessed anything like this. In essence, I think the weather mods, to keep people at home for the FBI and vax, and to steal your Biden 1400 dollar stimulus from you in HAARP cold disguised as "Polar Vortex" when there is nothing polar rotating in this at all, have so supercharged the atmosphere that it is one gigantic cyclone, and I'm witnessing the big cyclones spawning their own hurricanes.

If you look at the map, the "polar vortex" which is freezing you, started two weeks ago, off the coast of British Columbia.  If you notice something now, the thing has extended from Alaska to Mexico, which is beyond supersize, and now off it's flank is a hurricane generating in the cold waters of the Pacific.

Not enough for the weather mods, is the current HAARP manifestation to hammer Trump voting states and keep Trump voters at home on election, as there is a massive sink hole in the Yellowstone again. This designed to dupe you into another "polar vortex" as it is supposed to suck cold air out of the upper atmosphere and the cold in Canada for freezing out Americans.

The problem in this, is what happens when the atmosphere is this supercharged and it appears to be generating storms off of weather mod.

Just so you understand this, weather happens when the sun heats the earth and oceans unevenly. Rotation of the planet cause system to rotate with the jet stream. Hurricanes are generated out of Lo pressure systems spawned in Africa. In the 1990's the press to cover up what was taking place in HAARP creating over a dozen systems one never happened again.

Storms are supposed to generate out of the Pacific, strike California and reorganize over Trinidad Colorado, where they would strengthen with Gulf moisture, plains dry air and Canada cold. Same recipe for tornadoes in the summer.

Perhaps you have noticed that Yellowstone does not have an ocean. You might also notice that Yellowstone has not had one Pacific storm to reform these storms again generating. These are HAARP sink holes and the ringers for the Polar Vortex and are built for stealing your 1400 dollar check, among other things.

I wonder now if the lords and priests know that their weather mods, have things not in control. It would be most interesting if the weather mods have  things so out of control that one of these super storms settles on the 1% enclaves and digs down a 500 foot hole on all their mansions.

It is as if very nature is rebelling against all that evil. Samson and I wonder where you have heard that before.

Nuff Said
