Sunday, February 28, 2021

Joe Biden will NOT go quietly into the Night


It is futile to resist. I taught Joborg everything he knows.
He is not going anywhere.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been watching this DIA state Qanon push without Qanon concerning Joe Biden being a brain veg, in order to move along Kamala Harris as he uterus of the Obama 3rd term, and the Lame Cherry is hear to bring you back form the ledge and tell you that Joe Biden is not going to go quietly into the night.

The Internal War in the Biden House


I appreciate the fine work of authors like this in jinning up these stories, but that is not how things will work. I have done the Inquiry and have posted information which most of you probably missed

Democrats want the nuclear launch codes. They’re angry that Joe Biden didn’t ask Kamala Harris for permission to bomb Syria. They pushed the State of the Union address over “security concerns.” It’s happening, folks. The bait-n-switch from President Biden to President Harris is underway, just like so many Trump-supporters warned for months.

The groundwork continues to be laid for Harris to supplant Biden as President of the United States. This has been the plan all along, but it seems like they’re accelerating their efforts. The likely reason is the fact that his cognitive skills continue to fade, perhaps more rapidly than they had hoped. He’s been showing signs of mental acuity challenges, potentially full-blown dementia, since a few weeks after he announced his candidacy in 2019. We witnessed him slip rapidly, particularly in the months following his nomination. Ever since Inauguration Day, he’s been limited in when he’s allowed to speak.

When he does actually speak, it’s almost always a total embarrassment.

There is a reality that people in power do not want in Bidencon to submit to Obama Inc again. That is who Kamala Harris is, and the serpent that Biden is socialist nazi, is not going to hand power over past the last breath to the serpent that Obama is with Kamala Harris marxism.

For those who do not believe it, June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord is when Biden became acting President. He is an old hand at this smoke and mirrors and is not handing power over to Kamala, nor will his people. The example of the Syrian bombing in cutting Harris out of the loop, means the Chief of Staff. Joint Chiefs and the entire Intelligence group cut this woman out. They would not have taken those measures if they were not staying around, even with Biden on life support.

So just take a step back, Getting rid of Biden in stealing this election is not a win for you. That is what they want you hyped up on again in more quasi Qanon shit. Kamala gets rid of Biden and you get Kamala the Marxist Ho, which is just as bad as Pedo Joe. So collect your reason and slow down, as Biden is not going anywhere, at least for a bit. Stop being manipulated and biting on all this brain shit you want to believe as it solves nothing.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

