Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Horizon Event


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Joel Skoursen is speculating that Pedo Joe may be the sacrificial offering for gun control as everyone can see now that this old man is no longer mentally capable.

If you watched the orignal British House of Cards, which was outstanding, the Prime Minister was actually taken out by his own wife and their MI5 bodyguard.

It is obvious
there is an event on the horizon. I do not know the event and have not Inquired. If this is the event it is logical as there is not an emotional charge with the 25th Amendment.

I cam across this quatrain which does not make sense.

Come mother's day, the eagle will lose a son, but gain a stand in

While the daughter will be offered up

A replacement will name the leader and then be of the ages

Two will be selected and not elected from this cup

With that I leave it at that.

Nuff Said
