Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Leave Mike Pence in Peace

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The National File is reporting off of NBC which hates Mike Pence,  that Mike Pence is in danger from MAGA. Which proves they hate MAGA more than Mike Pence anti homo and anti abortion views. No not really, but they know that Mike Pence is easy to defeat for Kamala Harris as President.

As there are so many fake stories out there, like fake insurrection across America which never manifested on January 20th. the Lame Cherry is bluntly telling people to leave Mike Pence alone. The last thing the American Right needs is to be blamed for an event, which would bring a massive crackdown on everyone, gun confiscation and be the epitaph on the movement Donald Trump got out in front of.

Mike Pence is fading. He will never be elected to anything, even with fraud voting. The left hates him and despises him, even after he sucked up to Biden. So leave the President of Vice to Indiana where even Dan Quayle fled.

I once spoke to Dan Quayle's assistant or whatever she was. She was a lovely woman, pleasant and just warm. If only Dan had run for President, but he knew the Bush fam and their media would have wiped him out. He is a true Reagan Conservative.

This blog told you to get to work, work in building your buying co ops for supplies out of your Churches, and work on electing your local people, even yourself to shut down this fanaticism in America in federalism infringing on 10th Amendment Rights. You do this peacefully and do not wreck the work that others are engaged in, in bring a positive result in this created mess.

It is enough that Chuck Schumer hates Mike Pence. It should be enough that Joe Biden dismissed Mike Pence. It should be enough that the only people who like Mike Pence are Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney. He is a pariah to  the nation and  has his little non profit for the kid's trust fund like Warren Buffett and for Mike to feel like there is something he can lie to himself about that he is doing something in this world.

Making Pence a martyr would only free him from his pariah exile. He is nothing, so go on peacefully and work to build your own little political fiefdom to empower yourselves legally.

Put it this way, none of you would want to be Mike Pence, so he sure as hell doesn't want to be Mike Pence. That is what the hand of George Washington looks like in recompense. Mike Pence chose to become Aaron Burr and he faded into brownstone in New York and just disappeared.

Nuff Said

