Sunday, February 14, 2021

Maybe Someone Was Trying To Murder AOC


Bats were pre positioned INSIDE THE US CAPITOL FOR JANUARY 6th.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While I can not upload the video to Blogger, I suggest that you visit Patrick Byrne's site, and look for the video of bats being HANDED OUT FROM INSIDE THE CAPITOL. I will repeat that, that weapons were handed from inside the Capitol to those outside.

In other videos Mr. Byrne has featured on his site, you can see MAGA people scolding the DC police for not stopping the entry to the Capitol. You can see the police standing down and letting people in. You can see REPORTERS surrounding the Q Shaman. You can see a cameraman BEHIND a security officer recording everything, in a set up.

There is only one way bats got into the Capitol, and they were prepositioned, just like ANTIFA bricks all summer were in cities. The only way those bats got into the Capitol was with the DC police signing off on that and as Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell both would not agree to increased security, they were in on this.

Honestly, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has yet to explain why she was not in the Chamber. She has said Ted Cruz tried to get her murdered. From the evidence, it looks like she was hiding as she knew what was coming. The security knew she was not in the Chamber and went to find her. She was safe in her office, as no one breached the House offices.......but again, how did the security out of all those members know AOC was not there?

Someone was keeping tabs on AOC, and honestly, in knowing weapons were put inside the Capitol for distribution, the police being in on this, and Pelosi and McConnell making the area unsecure, it does look like someone was trying to murder Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and it was not Ted Cruz. The person who had motive was her own dinosaur democratic leadership. I do believe there is enough evidence to conclude that someone was going to knock off AOC that day as the punchline in this, as she sparred with Don jr. and would have been the perfect virgin for the volcano.

This stuff really needs to be investigated as MAGA is being blamed, the FBI is hunting people, and those bats were put inside, and AOC 's gut instinct was someone was trying to murder her, and that instinct is probably correct.

Nuff Said

