Sunday, February 14, 2021

Our Conservative Insider - Patriot Charles Schumer

Patriot I know the meaning of. Fear of ANTIFA I do not!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry rises to praises the greatest insider the American Right has in Charles Chuck Schumer. So many of you doubted me when I informed you that  Chuck Schumer is more right wing than George W. Bush, Mitch McConnell and whoever else you desire to put into the scales, and now can any of you deny that it was Schumer who groomed Anthony Wiener who was stealing Hillary Clinton information for Tel Aviv or can any of you deny that Charles Schumer oversaw two bungled Speaker Pelosi lynchings of President Donald Trump, and none of you even knew he was there.

John Roberts got the blame last time, and fearing the brown stain undies, he had Patrick Leahy do an outstanding job that even surprised me. Seriously, Chuck Schumer put Leahy on a leash and made him come to heel.

The first and second acquittal of Donald Trump is owed to our man in the left, Charles Schumer.

Now some of you are probably wondering why the Lame Cherry is outing Chuck Schumer. It is because he is a big boy and can take care of himself. It is so you understand the great service that Patriot Schumer, our Proud Boy, our Oath Keeper, our leader of the New York Militia has accomplished.

What is that? It is what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Congress and the Courts have violated all laws and shattered the Constitution, so it means that when power is restored to Americans, that we have the Schumer Doctrine, and we can unleash our fondest dreams.

With the Romneycrats fleeing the party, following orders, the Republicans will have wonderful sinners like Joyce Taylor Greene or whatever that Jezebel is named to lead us in all of our pursuits. We will just call it all the Missin Years Era when America was overthrown by Bush fam, Clintons and Obama. We just impeach them, get rid of all of their lawlessness and it is null and void, and they are gone. Donald Trump becomes President 41, after our dearly loved, Ronald Reagan.

Don't like John Roberts and his sodomite Obamacare makeover..........impeach him, and he is gone like all of this rulings. Chuck Schumer has proven that when you have absolute power that you do not need the Constitution and the Law, you can just violate everything and make it legal.

So we owe our Chuck a great deal. He has been there for us, paving the way, the Patriot Way, to ridding America of tyranny, injustice, treachery and traitorousness. 

I can hardly wait until the DOJ, FBI and DOD are our's again. We now can hunt down liberals, throw them into camp, call them insane for being liberals, call them  traitors as they are for their beliefs and take their lives, their, liberty and their happy I'm not into being a perv, but we can now restore moral order on that same Omar Minnesota scale in judging others not like us, and enjoy it all as it will be legal, because democrats made it legal.

I really believe that when we restore the Civil War leaders, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, that along side Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol, we erect a statue to Charles Chuck Schumer, and put the simple word, PATRIOT on it. Invite Mel Gibson to the ceremony and we can wrap both Chuck and his likeness in a flag which has flown over the Capitol and all have a good time, marching down Penn Avenue without walls, without barriers, without cops or troops, as Chuck will be leading us with his golden M 16, singing all those wonderful Patriot songs by Irving Berlin, like Yankee Doodle Schumer. Changed that day in honor of our Patriot in the left for the Right, Charles Chuck Schumer.

Oh that I had a flag flown over the Capitol by Chuck Schumer, autographed by Patriot Schumer to La'me Cherry.

Nuff Said

