not to put your faith in Juan.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Negro Juan Williams with the Spanish Anglo name, has woke to Trump Derangement Syndrome in hoping for some kind of Willie Brown sleep or bend over with Kamala Harris, as Williams in an op ed, touted the accomplishments of Joe Biden, driving America into impossible debt and taking credit for Operation Warp Speed delivering more vax.
The Lame Cherry has a warning on this.
With Biden in the White House, the nation has turned that around in 50 days.
COVID-19 infection rates and deaths are sharply down while the number of people getting shots has more than doubled to over 2 million a day.
Biden promised 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days in office. He is on track to do it.
And now Biden says there will be enough vaccine for all Americans by the end of May.
This blog has featured as others have, the interview of world renowned viral and vaccine expert, Geert Vanden Bossche. He is the doctor who ran both the Gates Foundation and the Ebola vaccine discoveries, so this is a vaxer with credentials.
Juan Williams touts the surge in Biden vaxes, in everyone will be vaxed with Fauci moving on to children. Dr. Bosssche has stated that this is the last thing a nation wants.
The problems are several.
First, he stated that infection rate would drop, which Williams is taking credit for. The Doctor though says soon enough the infection rate will climb again and plateau as people who had the vax will start shedding the virus, and this virus will be a super strain which the vax will not have any effect on.
The fact is the mRNA will be useless against this new resistant strain and those who take the ADCovid carrier will have used up their chimp feces viral carrier on the Covid and the carrier can not be used again, as the body has immunity to it.
Dr. Bossche explains that this vaccine is the wrong weapon in a pandemic of this reason. Those in danger should have been isolated and given the vax, but people with robust immune systems should have caught the virus, and recovered and this would have ended the Covid by now. What Fauci, Gates and Biden are doing will prolong this plague and make it deadlier.
So what Juan Williams is crowing about, is the worst thing which could happen. Instead of isolated elderly, not moving in the population who have been vaxed. Now 100 million liberal idiots are increasing the chance of not just one super virus, but a hundred of them,. Biden is force vaxing all his new invaders which are all carriers, this will increase the odds of a new Latin Covid.
The end reality is Joe Biden is creating for the 1% in population aborticide an entire new series of super viruses abased on this biological weapon. China will not have to release a new virus, because Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci with Juan William cheering are creating hundreds of super spreader viruses, more deadly then the L strain out of Wuhan in the Chinavirus, because the virus is going to mutate up to being more deadly in avoiding serums and with no immunity, people will get sick and die again.
Those are the realities and Juan Williams is going to rue the day he got his whore's wage op ed propping up Joe Biden for a bend over with Kamala Harris.
You can believe Juan Williams or you can believe a world renowned expert on viral spread in Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche who admitted they got this wrong and is trying to warn people to save them from the new Gate Fauci Biden extermination of the planet.
I do though earnestly hope and pray that all of these liberals get all their vaxes, along with all the Biden invaders, as they deserved it.
This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said