As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I happened to hear David Duke mention about the masks that they are churning out, have such microfibers in them, that they are embedding in lung tissue, and upon looking this up, David Icke was mentioning the same thing, and there is evidence that these fibers react in the lungs like asbestos, which cause cancer.
The presence of microplastics in human lung tissue was already demonstrated in the 1990s by scientists investigating lung tissue of cancer patients, who expressed their concern that plastic fibers may contribute to the risk of lung cancer. Research showed that plastic particles might persist in the lungs, especially in people with lung disease.Breathing in synthetic fibres from masks another danger of mandatory mask wearing says study as harder breathing to secure oxygen can breathe them into lungs There is no biological history of mass masking until the current era. It is important to consider possible outcomes of this society-wide experiment.
25 years and asbestos appears as cancer from lung inflammation. It appears that those who survive the Gates Fauci serum, will be dead for wearing these mandated masks...........well the Mexicans do not wear them, but this is something to be aware of.
The fact checkers can lie all they choose, in stating that people do not get fungal pneumonia from wearing masks, but the fact is, m uncle was in a nursing home, wore those mandated masks, contracted Corona, recovered and then died from a pneumonia which antibiotics would not heal.'
Just be aware that this biological weapon has a great deal of assistance in killing off people in the near term and decades later.
Nuff Said