Monday, March 15, 2021

The Cloudy Whine of Ann Coulter


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It becomes a millstone about the neck of Americans to be destroyed by their sodomite leaders who are paid major Mockingbird dollars in whore's wages, and hide the reality of who it is that is bringing their nation's ruin.

Ann fag bag Coulter had this headline recently, and it is either meant to divert attention or once again the CIA is not getting their 20 pieces of silver's worth.

Rule by Left-Wing Lunatics - Ann Coulter   coulter 

I have informed all of you that America has been overthrown by fanaticism. Fanatics are not lunatics, they are not mad, they are not of sound mind.

Being a fanatic is an ideology. Here is it defined.

FANATICISM: Excessive intolerance of opposing views

This is what Americans are facing in a political movement which has extreme intollerance of all opposing views. We have faced this for almost a generation, but it has now achieved absolute power in stealing elections and unleashing the police state on Americans.

In the 1960's Africans had achieved independence. The colonials were offered parliamentary forms of self determination, but soon the Rothschild Marxists appeared and began educating the Negro that if they governed themselves with democracy, then elections removed them from power, but if they chose communism, they could rule forever.

Lunacy is not a political movement. Here is the definition


Lunacy : Obsolete terms for legal insanity

It is lazy to term any opponent a lunatic, as smearing people is the easy way for people with weak minds. It though is a disservice in defeating a destructive political movement in producing a false narrative as when the public is not informed of why a political movement is harmful to the body politic, one can not convince the public to stand against it.

Seventy million Biden voters were slapped around by Donald Trump for four years. They are now relishing in "beating up Donald Trump's political children", because they could not tag Trump or any of them, and needed to frame them on January 6th, to cheat to win, just as they cheated to steal the election from Americans.
Liberals are enjoying this too much as they are failing to see in their failures what they have created. This does not make them insane. Liberals for the most part simply are self hating, they are failures, Christophobes in being terrified of God's Judgment, and seek to make human laws sanction their failings. A liberal transfer hate for themselves onto others. Again that is not insanity, it is just a combination of psychosis, inferiority complexes and phobias.

Fanatics are dangerous, not for their intolerance, but dangerous as babies in the womb discover, as children outside of the womb discover raped by homosexuals, and now Americans being hunted down by the police state which they have unleashed after January 6th. One could include the US military which is now flying pregnant women in flight suits into combat and other detriments to the military, which means the nation can not defend itself, and this is a national aborticide taking place.

Fanaticism is a cancer, as are all systems which take from the individual and obliterate them with the community group, as it is always the case, in the few have all the privileges and deprive the many they claim to be championing.

Ann Coulter works for the 1% who pay her the 30 pieces of silver to sodomize the Christians and Moralists, which is what is the stepping stone  to legalized pedophilia. It is the siren's song of all of these faggot leaders that Donald Trump brought in. Coulter not defining who these people in power are while others keeping terming them communists, which none of them are, as they are all  fanatics serving the feudalcrat 1% who rule, and must remove their competitors which is what is taking place.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

