Friday, September 24, 2021

A Dictator of Two Masks


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This has been making the rounds and this requires explanation............enter Lame Cherry.

Biden Wearing A Biden Mask? It Seems To Come
To A Stop Halfway Down His Neck...But Watch The
Interviewer At 19:05 To See The Same Neck SHADOW

This was CNBC and candidate Biden before he arose to Dictator Biden The issue is the bizarre appearance of Biden's head on the body of an old man whose skin is off colour.

What this is, is a computer generated image of Joe Biden. I have no idea if he is really talking, but what you are seeing is a computer generated  image and sound in real time. You remember Michelle Obama's big fat ass which would appear and then disappear. This is the same technology.

What this entails is computer record of Biden, which is enhanced. The word are an old pedophile, but the computer regenerates them in crisp tones. The face is Biden, with expressions, but the computer regenerates it in a pink skinned healthy tone with sparkling eyes.

Now this was deliberate during the campaign in the neck area so it would be noticed. It was not, but it brings to a point in this was done with the CIA programs. This means that what you have seen of Joe Biden, the Dictator probably has looked like shit, which he does as on Inauguration Day, and that with enhancements, so all of these photos, including the Green Screen White House backgrounds reveal that the Dictator you are seeing is not the reality of how bad Joe Biden really looks.

Just look at his neck skin. That is bloodshot dark skin or low oxygen content. That was in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. He has been Parkinson's degrading since along with massive uppers to deal with his senility.

Nuff Said

