Saturday, September 25, 2021

Triple A

We all have our purposes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog revealed long ago, while Birther Hussein was in the building, that all the terrorists were being run out of the White House. People did not believe. Then more information was leaked and more believed.

Now this final revelation proves all.

For instance, Issam Hattito, head of Muslim Brotherhood responsible for leading the battles against Bashar Assad, where does he reside? Is he in Beirut? Riyadh or Cairo? He’s residing in Tel Aviv.

Ahmad Jarba, does he stay in Riyadh, Cairo or Tehran? He’s moving between New York, Paris and London, his employers, who pay his expenses..

When Obama was exposed and it was learned that he’s arming ISIS and Nusra Front with American and Turkish weapons said: ‘We will stop the arming because the American weapons were leaked to Nusra..’ Didn’t Obama say that?

Leaked?! You discovered it was leaked after 2 years war?!

Nusra Front fighters are 10,000 and ISIS fighters are another 10,000, all 20,000 fighters using American weapons, and Obama claims after 2 years he discovers his (American) weapons are leaked to them?! Are you thinking we are fools?

This is a conspiracy against the region, and I told you Netenyahu & Dick Chenney put the Clean Break plan in the year 1998, and it’s destroying 4 countries, they start with Iraq, then Syria then Egypt then Saudi Arabia. It’s called Clean Break plan (PNAC), well known.. Using radical groups in the region.

The legal case (former Egyptian president) Mohammad Morsi is being tried for, the case of communicating (with the enemy) and contacting Ayman Zawahri was an assignment of Issam Haddad by Obama in person on 28 December 2012, he was at the White House in a meeting with the CIA, he says in his confessions when interrogated by the public prosecution in the case..

So Dick Cheney and Benjamin Netanyahu, the Vulcans and the Romulans joined the Klingon empire of Zbigniew Brzezinski to fulfill the dream of Adolf Hitler, in using the Muslim Brotherhood as a weapon to destroy the Soviet Union for the greater land.

So the prize is Four Pawns, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The pieces are worth making Iran Shia a nuclear power. The pieces are worth handing over Afghanistan to China, an thus all Asia to China. The pieces are worth the Anglo American Australian dictators, TRIPLE A, to weaponize India.

The Vulcans, Romualans and Klingons want the 4 pieces, for the next step which releases the frogs, the four pieces are the catalyst, built upon Queen's rook black America and Queen's rook white China. in jeopardy.

Some of my friends are Vulcans. The Vulcans have no friends.

Nuff Said
