I will take Dictators for 500 yuan Alex
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well David John Oates certainly had some monumental reversals on thee American Dictator this week, as Dictator Biden finally confirmed what Jeff Rense has stated for a year that Biden is being injected with methamphetamine to deal with his senility. There appears to be no other animation for Biden. Just huge amounts of uppers, which even a young man could not survive in the huge amounts being injected into the Dictator's system.
If you want to know the future of the stock market, Biden says all this debt, is a criminal robbery, and the long investments in the stock market are broken. Biden is confirming the stock market is about to break.
Joe Biden
Economic program - He can't help (Biden)
Change the trajectory of our nation - Mark the dick head
A fundamental choice in America - I resist the chance in it
CEO's make more than workers - Yep the share broken
Billionaires accumulated wealth in pandemic- Deny you slow with enemy (Biden is involved with some traitorous actions against America. He is assisting enemy of the United States)
39 million working mom's and dad's - The meth go with your pscyh
(Biden is getting injected with meth to fight the senility)
That's now how it works with people - We con in the foreigner (Biden is making dirty deals with foreigners, foreign invasion)
My plan is paid for - The debt, the crime, the long share broken
Where is it written that tax breaks go to corporations - In Brazil
A few provisions of my plan - There's the lock banning all
I was out in California - Crazy in my soul aloof (Biden has no idea what the hell he is doing)
This pandemic has been - This is owl soul
Jobs, businesses lost - Stick your forks in Mao's soul (Mao is the Chinese.)
The infrastructure bill - The mark in the fuck madam
Made over 40 billion - The worries dip in