Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Habsburg Confessional

Do math Round Eye, China need lubrication, but no money,
so China take your lubrication and have big orgasm.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has explained that over the next few months, the 1% intend to start inflicting on your cache or stores from food to money. This is not limited to you. In China and India, both nations have been attempting to deal with epic inflation in releasing oil reserves. One does this due to the fact that oil is what drives all economies, and oil sets the inflation structure of nations.

For China to be driven to this, means it's cash reserves are kaput.

Listen to this point and warning from a Rense.com investment expert in the Chinese real estate market is collapsed. Numbers of Chinamen have their peon pennies stuck into these high rises and the entire structure in China is failing.

It does not make a difference in the smoke and mirrors of China having 8.2 percent growth. China is not selling jack or shit in that growth for money flow. China has a history of manufacturing things and sticking them in warehouses.

Russia Running Out Of Oil? Profitable Reserves May
Last Only Another 20 Years, Moscow Says, Citing
Improved Tech As Only Solution

China's Oil Sale Is A Clear Message To OPEC+

This is part of China's strategic reserves, oil, food and goods. For China to be announcing it is releasing oil reserves is meant to manipulate the market of OPEC which is managed by the 1%. OPEC is not producing oil, that is intended to drive inflation faster. Dictator Biden is not producing oil. That is designed to soak up production from OPEC. Russia is now announcing as Vladimir Putin has joined in this charade that it's oil supplies have a 20 year shelf life. It is evident the United States is targeted in this to break what is left of a free people. China is targeted and has reached the serious threshold of the tipping point.

What it the tipping point?  War.

Charles R. Smith, another Rense guest stated that John Kerry was sent off by the Dictator to masturbate with the dictator of China. When Kerry got Xi on the phone and asked for a meeting. Xi hung up on the United States.

Economic stress is what is driving China. They like Japan and Germany in the prelude to World War II, are having their resources shorted. China can read the clock. China must move on resources, and that means into Afghanistan, the Mideast and Africa. Do not overlook Australia for added security and food production.

We are not yet in the invasion stage for China, but China is being compelled to crawl out of it's lair.

Huawei Hires More Scientists, Boosts Basic
Research To Deal With US Semiconductor Ban

Do not think this is wonderful news as hints are HAARP is going to make America very cold and energy prices are already at record highs in Summer 2021 AD in the year of our Lord. The 1% has to break the American will of the people, while it is drawing out Peking for a war to consume the US war arsenal, so the US in the surviving remnant will not have anything to defend or attack the 1%.

China releasing oil reserves is not market news. It is the news of the signs of a planned war. China can not keep paying money it does not have for it's worthless economy not selling anything, so China will attempt their Khyber Gambit. This will probably be shunted so China will have to move east toward American stores.

As a last thought in this, Russia has been silent. Russia appears to have signed onto the European Order, and is in a strong position now to promise support to China acting against the United States and then letting China die in the operation once America is engaged.

What was China's card to play a year ago is now Russia's card and it appears that Russia has cast the dice and is in the Habsburg bed.

Nuff Said.

