Yes I would a tractor looked this good that I was in...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm just sitting here in trying to not be nauseated literally as am on a two day headache. I will try and touch base as I recover, but wanted to thank those who have been sharing information, Christian and otherwise as I have looked at things, but is hard to concentrate.
Hi LC, paying some “dues”. 250 characters available here to tell you how deeply I feel what you’re writing, thank you beyond what I could possibly afford to give, send well wishes to you & TL, & offer encouragement to you. Best to you! Steve
My world has been trying to get feed for the few animals we have, as a safeguard against starving, us and them. I thought I would be using the equipment I got, but people were not honest with me, so our neighbor kindly let me use his stuff to cut and he is going to bale.
Whole damn summer it did not rain, and now that is what it is doing. For those who do not know, just think of your lawn. It mows good when it is dry. When it is wet it mows like shit. This time of year the grass should be dead, but this year it is all green, and a tough mat of sheep's wool. I have now experience with John Deere tractors, gear shift, hydraulics and the tractor worked good, but I had to cut in second gear which is as slow walk. Why a tractor needs 8 speeds I have no idea. I just know I mowed 5 hours, 3 1/2 hours and then 4 hours today an I had to get fuel in that big tank as it pulled hard and I did not want to run out.
Was watching the idiot neighbor kid over at Grandpas. He cut into a windrow or swath yesterday and was baling today after driving around. Stupid ass is going to have a week of warm weather coming and he could have cured that hay better, as I never checked mine in the mowed and not raked and it seemed dry, but we had like 45 degrees, light dew last night and that did not cure today, as the ground was still wet yesterday when I was cutting as I could see it on the tire.
So I hope I will have the feed we need as the cattle look look like hell in too thin. Odd shit though in things falling down around here, resistance, but today it was better. Sometimes you just got to get the bulge on and with God over power the malevolent spirits against you.
I know I have sucked enough diesel exhaust in 3 days cutting to last me and my body aches. I forget sometimes how tedious this stuff is and we had lots of this stuff from fencing to this, this year. As I was sitting there though on the last rounds, I thought of my brother, not wanting to do real work, he could be doing this shit and free from the world in working for himself. Nothing in it is certain, but you get things done and no one is chewing your ass. You do have to have discipline though in self employed as you got to get your ass into a tractor and cut hay when your head hurts an your body aches. Same with the blog in you get it done whether you feel like it or not.
So my thanks and I will be taking some more advil generic and trying to unwind as life is a cherry.
Nuff Said