Thursday, September 23, 2021

Maybe they should still burn this Book


William Shirer

Simon & Schuster published The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich in 1960. The hardback was reprinted 20 times in the first year and sold more than 600,000 copies through Book of the Month Club alone and 1 million copies overall. Serialization of a condensed version in Readers Digest and critical acclaim ensured its success in the US. Fawcett Crest gained paperback rights for $400,000 – a record for the time – and a further 1 million copies were sold at $1.65 (equivalent to $14 in 2020). It won the 1961 National Book Award for Nonfiction[6] and Carey–Thomas Award for non-fiction

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been reading the thousand plus pages of author William Shirer who was proclaimed by the New York Times and all media for his monumental work based on actual government files and contacts with Nazi Germany and The United States as William Shirer researched the material and lived in Berlin as a correspondent covering Adolf Hitler as one of CBS' Edward R. Murrow Boys.

Those are exemplary credentials and are bonafied by liberal media, as Mr. Shirer wrote the bible on Nazi Germany, which was filled with with non historical epitaphs highlighting his disgust with National Socialist Germans.

This needs to be said. This is a liberal writer, absolutely embraced as factual without question, and he hated Nazi Germans. He finished his book an it was published by the prestigious publishing house of Simon and Shuster which verified all the material as it was based on documentation.

Here is a list of Mr. Shirer's long list of written historical works.


The last is a compilation of Shirer's CBS broadcasts (ISBN 1-585-67279-3).

That is why when I read the following quote in the 3rd volume on page 946, I almost fell off my stool, as this is something which the Mockingbird propagandists neglected to cleanse. William Shirer wrote this before the main propaganda narrative appeared on the holocaust. I will highlight what you can not miss.

Millions of decent men an women were driven into forced labor, millions more tortured and tormented in the concentration camps and millions more still, of whom there were four and a half million Jews alone, were massacred in cold blood or deliberately starved to death and their remains  - in order to remove the traces - burned.

William L, Shirer

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
A History of the Third Reich

OK, so William Shirer, based on documentation, states that there were four and a half million Jews massacred and starved to death, but that there is NO PROOF of this, because all the evidence was burned up.

All of us have been told that 6 million Jews were slaughtered. Here is the Mockingbird woke Washington post reinforcing that, including that 11 million were murdered in total of all peoples.

May 26, 2017 ... The May 9 Metro article “A place to store the mementos of horror” said, “The Holocaust was the systematic murder by the Nazis and their ...

So you understand this, the reason the number was arrived at in 6 million Jews, was because World War II killed a whole lot of people. The fact is under Frank Roosevelt and his replacement Harry Truman, via General Dwight Eisenhower oversaw in American concentration camps after the war, the death of 11 million Germans. The Americans, French and British, ignored millions of rapes and murders by the Soviets of Germans, during and after the war.

You can not make yourself the perpetual victim if there are other peoples who were mass murdered in larger numbers than Jews. I will not re argue the point of this holocaust. I researched online Red Cross files which have now disappeared on Jewish deaths in World War II. The nearest I could come up with the numbers was that from 750 thousand to 1.25 million Jews died. The Red Cross stated that Jews were doubled counted as "dead" when they were shipped out of France for example and then counted again as "dead" in a work camp, where numbers of them walked out with their tattoo arms.

The numbers of dead Jews was further inflated in they counted communist Jews in the Soviet Union who were in the military and died with a gun in their hand shooting Germans.

William Lawrence Shirer was an American journalist and war correspondent. He wrote The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, a history of Nazi Germany that has ...

William L. Shirer, American journalist, historian, and novelist, best known for his massive study The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi ...

William Shirer wrote his history on evidence provided. In reading his story, he seemed to be too many times in the right place observing events. I would conclude that whatever the American Government was using to spy on other countries in using the media, that William Shirer was there as part of this intelligence and propaganda wing. His history though was before the 6 million figure was handed down to make the Jews the most abused race, so they would have carte blanche to do whatever they desired politically and militarily, by their same National Socialists in the Jewish State. Most of you reading this have no idea that the state of Israel is a collective, it is a the same National Socialism as the Third Reich in state control of all industry and the Mosaad which is celebrated is every bit as criminal and ruthless as the SS.

The only point this Lame Cherry is making in this is that YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO. It does not matter that 6 million died, 4.5 million died, 1.25 million died in the number, because the arrived at number is a lie for political propaganda to manipulate you, so the number is of no consequence, because it is a lie, and other peoples were slaughtered in horrid ways, the same way the Jews are corning the market on suffering.

The most accomplished historian of the Nazi years, accepted as absolute defining the history in William Shirer stated that 4.5 million Jews died, most probably on inflated Red Cross data, and progressed for political purposes in progressing the Jewish state. This has not been cleansed from publication yet. It is all there for those who invest the time to read this account.

.........and you can read William Shirer's 4.5 million Jews alone, two ways in there were only 4.5 million Jews in Europe, and as all did not die, the number of Jewish dead was far lower than what was published, so Shirer may not be stating that 4.5 million Jews were massacred.

It certainly was not 6 million as the propaganda states and that is William Shirer stating it, before this became an issue of how many died.

Dec 31, 2015 ... Yosef Mizrachi claims high assimilation rates inflated estimates; 'he doesn't know what he's talking about,' historian says.

Nuff Said
