Thursday, September 23, 2021

Treating People with Less Concern than Spilled Milk


Armed Man at Justice for J6 Rally Turns Out to Be Undercover FBI Agent   rumble 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The murder of 10 Afghanistan citizens on August 29th, 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, featured  the United States military following around a US aid worker all day, where the US military mistook blue plastic water bottles for bombs.

The US military did not strike the target while he was "parked near some ISIS K house", but instead waited until the target returned home, and loaded his car with children who were allowed to park it. The missile was launched and 7 children were dead and 3 adults. All innocent.

The Pentagon defined this as a righteous strike as they had intelligence a white car would strike the people at Kabul airport again. There was no follow up attack, no terrorists in white cars and not any harm to anyone at Kabul airport.

This was not the fog of war. This was the head hunters of the  drone corp looking to avenge the Dictator Biden, SecDef Austin, General Milley and General MacKenzie disaster in pulling US troops out of Afghanistan to leave Americans exposed there.

The reason the Lame Cherry is covering this murder, is August 29th mirrors what took place at the US Capitol on January 6th. False US intelligence had been blaming a non existent White Supremacy movement since Charlottesville and Richmond. We now know that FBI assets set up Trump supporters to frame them for violence, and the murder of Ashli Babbitt is equal to this drone strike.

The fact is that the United States was far more violent in shooting, bullying and beating Americans on January 6th, than Americans were in Kabul with real Taliban terrorists. The fact is that 5 Americans died on January 6th due to actions of the US police state. The fact is no terrorists died in Afghanistan in the Biden retreat, but the Pentagon did murder 10 innocent people, as were murdered in America.

Fully remember that Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi demanded machine gun nets to mow down US Citizens. It Homeland had implemented this requests, thousands of US Citizens would have been literally shot to bits by Browning 50 caliber machine gun fire which are intended for tanks.

There is a huge problem in the US police state. It consistently gets things wrong, and the bad guys like the Biden Afghan refugee rapists and pedophiles get protection and flown into America, being given Ivomec and money in US care, while the bad guys of January 6th are not in jail, but are still on the payroll of the Department of Defense. Let no one forget that General Michael Flynn was the willing Judas Goat in this, spreading information which goaded people to the US Capitol, but Flynn and Patrick Byrne took the back door and never appeared, leaving as Ashli Babbitt was murdered by another uniform wearing executioner hiding behind a door.

No one in the regime ever has to answer for their murders. The murderers of LaVoy Finicum are as free as the murderer of the family at Ruby Ridge as the Children at Waco. The murders of Oklahoma City are covered up in the government supply bomb making materials, and the person rewarded is Merrick Garland now the US Attorney General. So no one is going to be prosecuted for murdering this Afghan group of 10 people, no more than the murderer of Ashli Babbitt and those trampled to death will ever be indicted on any crimes.

None of this on this blog is calling for Justice. To believe in Justice in this corrupt system is not logical. There is never going to be Justice. Just more thugocracy in stolen elections, protecting terrorists and invaders, and treating murdered people with less concern than spilled milk. 

We have now before us the same Chicago in Blacks and Browns being murdered in record numbers over the dope trade money flowing into Wall Street. Anthony Fauci is vax raping people and pedo vaxing children to their great harm, while giving Ivomec to Afghanistan rapists and pedophiles, but infusing Remdesivir which kills patients in America as certain as Zyklon gas.

More of this is coming. There is not any difference between a vax syringe and a Hellfire missile. Dead is dead. There is not any difference between protecting Afghan pedophiles and FBI assets on January 6th. There is not any difference between the murder of Amal Ahmadi and Ashli Babbitt, except this time the DIA press is running a coup where the family of Ahmadi will get 30 pieces of silver for murder while Ashli Babbitt's family was tortured again in being told she deserved to be murdered.

Nuff Said
