Thursday, September 23, 2021

Mark Zuckerberg Does The Man Date


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In what has had the NSA funding of Facebook stunned, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook summoned the media for a Day with Zuckerberg.

The day started on the beach with Zuckerberg informing the press that while he would be known as Titty Boy, Titty Boy was now woke and would be the gender inclusive SHEHE as his ovaries were speaking for him this day.

After a discussion of why Eskimos must begin wearing flip flops, the meeting adjorned to Zuckerberg's 1300 acre Hawaiian Island, which he has declared an independent nation, and has declared war on China, Russia and the United States, and will launch a nuclear first strike on a Facebook nuclear war simulator.

Mrs. Zuckerberg had been banned from the event. Instead Zuckerberg Island was Man Date for the Weekend. The Press followed as Zuckerberg and his man date moved to Dildo Bay, where Zuckerberg had placed pink dildos in the bay for the dolphins to use.

As they approached the water's edge, a speedboat came speeding by at 10 mph with an electric engine. It was named the ButfuckPro, with Zuckerberg riding in behind in his favorite position.

As the boat sped away at 10 mph, Zuckerberg started screaming the sun was killing him, and that is why he was wearing a hoodie on a 100 degree day in the tropics.

About dark, Zuckerberg appeared on a motorboard surfboard, flying a faggot rainbow flag. He said the electric motor had shorted out form the ocean salt water, and he had used his speargun to kill the captain and man date, in order to escape as Zuckerberg was being hunted by evil great white sharks.

As he landed the motorboard surfboard, Zuckerberg started digging in the sand, pulled out a cache of hunting equipment and announced an expedition to hunt down humans with his compound bow in order to end the foot shortage in the world.
This was the last photo taken, as Zuckerberg started shooting the stunned press and it was reported by the NSA that a huge lua had taken place, whose fires raised the global temperature 20 degrees and created a massive ice melt on the poles, flooding Zuckerberg Island.

No one has heard from Zuckerberg since. The lovely Mrs. Zuckerberg has since fled to the CCP in China where she has returned to her job in the PLA as comrade Colonel Xizu Pingpang.

The NSA is having difficulty in locating the trillion dollars they spent in creating Facebook as there were large expenditures weekly for something labeled, "Plastic Surgeon Fees so I can replace Harry. get me some of that fine Meghan Markel and be the next King of England."

Has anyone really seen Commoner Harry lately?
