As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm posting this with your supposed to realize by now in having been informed of this on this blog that Tucker Carlson is not to be trusted as in the Q IA (Q Intelligence Agency which does indeed exist out of the DIA) is the focal point to gauge if he can get you to go out and make yourself targets of the FBI American Hunt, just as Q Peters is with Dr. Sexy, goading you to be led around by your pussy in your male lives and for your pussy to send in protests to the FDA in order to track you on a list for forced vaxes. When you get paid by the regime you have a luxury life, when you are a poor orphan girl who depends on the honor system you end up begging assholes who have money to donate.
What this post concerns is the point that Tucker Carlson is warning of what this blog has stated in the US military and the various agencies, is making a priority of targeting Christians. This is not Catholics as they do not define themselves as Christians, and are of the same duo power sect as Jewry, in the Vatican Jesuits are driving this vax to Inquisition Protestants with their mark of the government or beast to deny Rights.
Carlson is herding people for the DIA, meaning he is pressing the Christian Protestants to react as they are already on watch lists, and then the crackdown can be legal. The Lame Cherry tells you instead as Christ did, give ground, keep moving away, and wait for the big events to overtake all of this, so you will be less of a target in the year to come.
You must be prepared so to not expose yourselves, but you must be smart in your preparations and stop making yourselves an overt target for higher placement on the lists. You want to be viewed in this as the dumb ass, which most of you are, so just act the part, as I play it every day.
Tucker Carlson reveals a powerpoint from the U.S. Army justifying vaccine mandates with a slide that says "How many children were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?" along with listing the 7 tenets of Satanism
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 21, 2021
They are coming for Protestants. All of this deception in every damned story from mRNA lettuce to this satan stuff by the military which Carlson featured is meant to trigger you. Christ told you not to be afraid, so pull up your pants, get on your hind legs and start moving away and back from what is being unleashed. This is strategy, you are engaged in a strategy to survive. You keep moving back, you keep giving ground in order to gain time. Time is not working for you at this moment, it is working for the regime. Time though in this pendulum swing is going to start working for you. The 1% is running out of time in the agenda. They told you Spring 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. That is not the end of this so you can go back to being a whore. That is an event structure which overtakes the vax focus.
General George Washington kept moving in delaying actions, for the express purpose in knowing time would become a force on this side, and time would move against the British. You keep moving back so that you get time to work for you and tire and sick out those projecting this against you.
You do not react. Your actions though are chosen in gaining time. Each day you are closer to the day that time works for you in the majority.
You do not want to be in the scenario in the numbers of injured and dead from this vax. I have run the numbers and published them here based on data from observations someone shared with the Lame Cherry and they were close to my observations, which have actually become worse accounts, meaning the situation is degrading in the vax lepers.
The 1% wants Protestants vaxed or dead, because of the Gift in you which most of you have debased in the Abraham line of Spiritual genetics God created in the sons of God to sow His Spirit into saved chosen people. That is the threat you are, and if you are too wasting the Gift, the 1% is not going to leave this loose end around, so Protestants liberated in the Spirit of Christ are the target.
Nuff Said