No, no, I swear, you really win the game
by losing it every time.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Latinos are recognizing the Democratic party no longer represents them and coming to the GOP ∞ pjmedia
Ball Punts.
California retaining Gavin Newsome proves that elections do not matter, as an FU to Jan6.
You have to begin to take the steps like you know the future and it is bleak house. Most of you realities have already changed and the problem is you are still joined to them, and all they are accomplishing is holding you back.
If you believe the system is going to save you. If you believe the system which is corrupt and suddenly it is going to do what is right, you must be the person who keeps thinking your cell phone is going to work with an error message.
The system is now under the control of a complex series of appointments and psychology, being utilized against most people to criminalize them. You have been conditioned to obedience through loyalty and honesty to this system, and as it keeps implementing illogical actions which remove your base thought pattern, aborticide, sodomy, kneeling, pedophilia etc..., psychologically to make you fear, recoil and move back into yourselves. In desperation, you cling to what were norms, and demand an outcome which is impossible out of fears.
Examples are those who inject a prion, and expect an outcome of life. It is illogical. Illogical as those who will show up to vote after the evidence of election thefts for the past years, eliminating the Tea Party under Obama and the installation of Dictator Biden.
It does not matter what beaners vote for or against. None of this does. Elections are already decided and appointed. Your empowerment is to move your thought process to the future. Christ is the figurehead to base your outlook upon, as He is out of this system. It does not matter if you believe or not, what matters is you need an anchor point, even in the Great Deception, where they will say Jesus is a starman like other starmen who arrived to earth.
You must have realities. You are real. That is not going to change so this is your reality. Now you have God and you, two realities. You decide how you live, even if you lie and say you submit to the regime. You separate out. There is the actor who interacts and agrees with all that it taking place, and there is you, who is real and you are living toward an objective.
What is your objective?
Objectives are in your control. You look toward the sun rising and setting. You mark time. You know direction, north, south, east, west. You know direction is reality. You know where you are and where you are going.
Who had these realities of God, stars, sun, days, nights, directions, the control of this knowledge All of humanity until the last few years. Modern civilization has removed most people from natural reality and replaced that with consumerism profits to an unnatural reality, which has been supplanted from your Constitutional order to this disorder of evil is now judged good.
You must realign Who and what you put your Faith in. What you trusted is gone and is betraying you. You must start constructing reality not in what the system is in corruption, but in those things which you know are certain, certain as gravity. Pick something up, drop it, and say, "Gravity works and they can not change that". Affirmation empowers you and you begin weaning yourself away from what is now unsound.
You will continue to be bombarded with fiction to lead you out and disorient you. You must stop being manipulated by removing your interest in this corrupted system.
It is important for your self preservation to stop expectations of things no longer in your control. You are going to get all these stories to trigger you to suck you back in. Yes now the ignorant, low IQ, bad DNA, criminal invaders are your salvation. No they are Catholic communists who will vote for themselves and vote how the Vatican orders them. They are imported, because they are not like you, and they do not like you, and stolen elections are in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, as you believed that the invaders would save you, and you just wasted a year in not preparing yourself and have been duped again because you wanted to be duped, and more time has lapsed in you are more disoriented than you were before.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff said