Are these the teats of Terrorism?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry joins all influential world media in being thankful that Alyssa Milano, the terrorist, did not meet the fate of Ashli Babbitt in Washington DC this week, when Milano stormed the White House demanding that Dictator Biden allow Black and Brown peoples to vote without any regulations. The Lame Cherry hopes that the terrorist Alyssa Milano, also includes Yellow and Red people in the demand to vote anywhere and anytime. The Lame Cherry wonders though why the homosexual deviant is not included in this color chart of voting, as this is more than race, this is a homosexual should be placed at the head of the line in rights as Birther Hussein Obama set the precedent in sex perverts are first, then comes the Jew, then the colors of brown, and of course black, but that is as far as Birther Hussein made it in rights, again we must all champion the terrorist Alyssa Milano and remind her in her caring more than others in placing her life in danger, that the Yellow and Red skins must have their rights to voting equal to all others, unless it is Whites as the vax will exterminate that genetic group.
Alyssa Milano, the terrorist joined Soros led group, People for the Amerikan Way, led by Ben Jealous, who attacked the White House and was arrested with other terrorists. Ms. Milano had no idea how close shes was to being executed like fellow terrorist, Ashli Babbitt, except for two reasons:
Reason 1: Dicator Biden does not allow Blacks to have guns at the White House.
Reason 1A: Dictator Biden's dog, savagely eats all Blacks on the White House property, as apparently Hunter Biden used to attack this dog when it was a puppy in Black Face Artist paint and the dog has been attacking Black people ever since.
Reason 2: The FBI was not in Washington DC to set up Alyssa Milano and Ben Jealous, as the Jan6ers were framed by FBI operatives, as the FBI was out of town raiding
The FBI didn’t explain what the raids were in relation to beyond a spokesperson saying that they were conducting “law enforcement activity at the home” on the “basis of two court orders, connected to U.S. sanctions.” She also noted that the houses do not belong to Mr. Deripaska but to relatives of Mr. Deripaska.
Sorry, I must issue a correction, the FBI was in DC, but apparently the FBI had not infiltrated People for the Amerikan Way, and besides as the Blacks have all been eaten by Dictator Biden's dog at the White House, no one was there to shoot a White Italian Woman, who was a terrorist disrupting the function of government.
The Lame Cherry could not find out exactly what these terrorists did.
They terrorized me and made my nipples leak milk.
But first something really important as Meghan McCain, the daughter of John the hero McCain has spoken out in why she left the View. The reason was that Jewess JoyBehar made Meghan puke in a garbage can, which deprived Meghan of nutrition as her breasts were leaking milk on screen and no one at ABC held her hair out of the puke as Whoopi Goldberg watched.
On my second day back, as I was still getting my sea legs back and adjusting to my new schedule and life between breast-pumping and researching for my hot topics, Joy and I began squabbling a bit about the s’ate of the Democratic Party on air. To make light of things and to ease the tension, I said, ‘Joy, you missed me so much when I was on maternity leave! You missed fighting with me!”
‘I did not,’ Joy said. ‘I did not miss you. Zero.’
I do not know if leftist Republican Meghan McCain is a terrorist, or if puking in a pail is an act of terrorism or if someone at the View tried to poison her. None of this is known as the FBI is ovherwhelmed in hunting down domestic terrorists from Jan6.
Perhaps Meghan can give a few gallons of breast milk to a lab to test to see if she has been poisoned by the View staff. I'm sure Meghan is a prolific milker, a real Holstein cow among women. Her safety is something which must be protected, as much as terrorist Alyssa Milano.
As Alyssa Milano though is a leftist, she like Ben Jealous, should be provided in their peaceful protests to have armored personal carriers for protection against executions like Ashli Babbitt, Just in case some Black person has a gun and starts shooting at these terrorists. We must protect woke protesters.
All of us were horrified when Colin Powell was put down with the vax, and of course ex president Bill Clinton was vaxed too, but fortunately being a White man of Rockefeller blood, he was given proper medications to save him thankfully, but as there is not enough medications to treat people, Colin Powell was expendable in being a Black men, as only so many armed Black men can be kept in the ranks to shoot White Women on the Right.
No one was killed as Biden's dog ate all the Black men with guns.
Charges must be dropped on terrorist Alyssa Milano, We do not want her or Ben Jealous, locked up with cockroaches, denied speedy trials to break them, in order to have Alyssa Milano turn on other wokesters like John Cusack for example, as his presence in prison would disrupt the boyfriend relationships as John would try to be the pocket holder for all the dominant males and turn them all straight, John Cusack can not disrupt the homosexual race, just because Alyssa Milano cracks in confinement in having cockroaches crawling on her in bed.
Let us all join in the defense of these peaceful protesters. Let us claim the reality that Alyssa was there to admire the second most beautiful woman in DC, in Jen Psaki, who is just such a lovely gender, and is under enough stress in being second pretty to AOC with the impending devaluation when Hillary Clinton and Chelsea return to DC as widow and the daughter's widow, when the 1% revisits the Clinton blood infection again.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said