Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Compounded Mistake of Adolf Hitler

Britain fulfills her obligations with French, Russian and American Blood

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know it gets really boring reading history and having historians lament and wail about how bad Adolf Hitler is. I mean just put down what it was proven he did, and let the public pass judgment as diatribes get in the way of history.

I'm reading this history of the Nazi by some prick who wrote it in the 1980's and half way through all objectivity is gone in he is denouncing Hitler and calling everyone boneheads for not dealing with Adolf and as I stated that gets really old as I'm reading this book so I know what the events which are covered a few pages before AS I READ THE BOOK and do not need to be endlessly reminded of what this reporter is ranting about.

I'm at the part of World War II beginning in the annexation of Poland. I will make these points clear. The Germans should never had their people or lands taken from them by America, England and France in World War I. Prussia is German not Polish. People have the right to live in their own nation on their own lands. So all of this was done to start a second world war to finish off Germany. I believe the British never intended after baiting Hitler with Sudetenland and Austria to ever find a political settlement over Poland. They wanted a war, and they knew that socialist Frank Roosevelt would make America bleed for Wall Street again and the Soviets would provide the money interests a Cold War which Europe would rob America of her wealth in building bombs to protect Europe.

What I want to address though is a mistake Adolf Hitler made as by the time Poland came he was all or nothing as he had the same success training him in Austria and Czechoslovakia.

Yes Adolf Hitler wanted Poland gone as Poland had been gone for most of the time in history, so Hitler was lying and plotting. That is what leaders do when they want Texas and California or leaders want India and Australia. That is a moot point as that is what nations do.

To provide a bit of information on this, Germany wanted to gain Poland without war. The British though dragged the French into protecting Poland which made Poland incapable of being dealt with.  Poland hated Russia for past history and expected English and French to bleed for them. That is a real cause of this, as Germany was demanding Danzig a German free city and a corridor to the city to build a highway and train route. I will not argue what Germany was going to eliminate Poland as that is a fact, what this examination is though on, in how the English were the problem in this in enabling the Poles to bring on this war.

When Germany moved to partition Poland by force, the French in Ambassador Bonnet and the Duce of Italy were still negotiating a peace as Italy was not ready for war and France did not want to die in a war for Poland.

The French wanted a cessation of fighting as did the Italians without any mention of Germany returning the land. It was the British who insisted on an end to the fighting and Germany pulling it's Soldiers back to their borders. That would humiliate Germany and bring Hitler's fall so that was not going to happen and England damn certain knew it, so England had no intention of seeking any peace settlement.

Adolf Hitler was in for the whole hog and I believe this is where he made his mistake. The Italians were German allies and were for a peaceful settlement. France was not wanting to die for Poland. Russia by treaty was neutral. Only the English were driving this intimidation. 

Herr Hitler in previous gambits and in Poland, sought political solutions in driving wedges between other powers. I believe a wedge could have been driven between Paris and London if Adolf Hitler had announced the following in compromise to the British demands.

Germany announces under the good offices of Italy, the acceptance of the French position in ending hostilities in the defense of Germany from Poland based upon the assurances of by France. Germany will pull back to it's historical borders and guarantee the safety of all Germans in Poland. The Reich will place a defending force for German territory on the Vistula River as a demilitarized zone, with the monitoring of the good offices of France to safeguard this ceasefire.

Germany will enact this immediately as of September 5th, whether the British agree or not. Germany will not attack Great Britain nor will Germany attack France. Germany though reserves the right to meet force with force in Poland if the Polish military or populace engages in violent conflict again.

In the Soviet German non aggression pact, Germany agrees to the  guarantee of Russia in the east concerning Poland and France in the disputed area of the west as represented by the Duce in Italy

The Lame Cherry believes that this would have moved France to the German column. The end result would have been Russia taking it's part of Poland and Germany never giving up what it had troops on. The main character of this would have been England isolated and not any excuse for Frank Roosevelt to become involved for Wall Street.

Based on this Franco German united front and England isolated, Germany could have bided the time for Italy to rearm in by 1942, when Germany launched the war against Soviet communists. In this way, France would have supplied the material, the Slavs the work force, with Italy and Germany smashing the Soviet lines. Germany not requiring a defense in the West by occupying France and at war with America and England, would have had the spare divisions to overrun Stalingrad before it became a front, and stuck Moscow before the bad weather and the Soviets could call up more troops and the Americans could assist the communists in rearming.

If Adolf Hitler had completed his isolating England, gained the French and allowed time to rearm, even with the other shortfalls of the lack of supply to the German army,  Germany would have defeated Russia, and once Moscow was taken, Japan would have invaded Russia and gained the territory it was gaining already peopled by Chinese.

History is much more interesting in examining gambits and miscues, than reading diatribes of parrots talking about how bad someone was, when Jews administer the same in Gaza, the French in Vietnam, the English everywhere and the Obama Luo selling slaves to the Arabs and Portuguese. All are guilty, so the examination is how to win as the victors write the bad Mockingbird propaganda history.

Nuff Said
