Saturday, October 30, 2021

Beyond the Pale

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You have heard and probably used the phrase, BEYOND THE PALE, and had no idea what you were quoting. Soon you will.

When the English invaded Ireland, two Irelands devolved to reality.  In the south English colonists stole lands and in the north there was Dublin and Ulster. Dublin was the English stronghold, and then there was Ulster, a location of huts in a swamp with no roads which no one but Irish could find their way through.

In Queen Elizabeth's genocidal reign of other peoples, she eventually became monarch of a 20 mile area around Dublin which was English, as the Irish had taken back all of their lands. This area was called THE PALE.

Everything beyond the Pale was dangerous and murderous to the English, so one did not venture beyond the Pale.

Yes I once thought beyond the pale had something to do with corpses being pale and what was beyond that was black rot. In some ways that was actually correct as what was beyond the Dublin Pale was deadly to the English.

We often hear about the Nazi Reich being so horrid. What the English did to the Scots, Irish and Welsh makes the Nazi's look like pikers. The English have never been made to answer for those crimes against humanity. It was mass murder and mass exile into slavery. Mass rape, mass looting and it was called scorched earth by English traveling through Scotland after the Bonnie Prince led them to another Stuart demise.

That is what beyond the Pale means. In some ways America in beyond the metro areas is beyond the pale.

Nuff Said
