Saturday, October 30, 2021

I Don't Believe in Yesterday


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I sit here today, reading Sean Homo Hannity in the headline that Biden has made Thanksgiving only affordable for the rich. Odd how Donald Trump let Biden steal the election and as Joel Skoursen has said, "If Donald Trump would open his mouth with one paragraph telling Americans the Truth of what really happened, that would start setting all of this in order".

I'm thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas, but more about this genocide against Protestant Christians which Homo Hannity and none of these sheepskins gives a damn about as they are Vatican boys.

The ex brings her mother meals to eat constantly these days, and has now taken to asking me if I want something she has made besides. And that gets delivered at the same time as her mom’s food. Greatly appreciated as preparing meals in a basement without a kitchen is arduous, maybe all consuming, to say the least. I’m sorry, as I imagine this will piss you off, but I count my Blessings, as small as they are

Pissed off, not in the least. Wary yes, as she is the one who put you in the basement. So she wants something. As long as you are not going back, having sex again with her or not being taken in, one uses the opportunities when even satan is offering the bread.

I'm wondering though why you are paying your daughter to mow her grandmother's lawn?

For your bank account, I would ask if the state of Sovietsota pays people to be around for old folks, as you are there, so free eats from the devil and money from the communists sounds like a delightful story to buy your cigarettes with.

Americans Face Most Expensive Thanksgiving in History   townhall

The Holy Ghost brought to mind Deuteronomy 28, in the blessings to a Christian Nation and the curses to a satanic mob, and I would suggest you take the time to read the curses, because they are exactly what is enveloping the United States and the world, as this is the anti Christian doing and it is coming out of Mahdi money, Jew finance, Vatican vaults and the treacherous tools of treason which are hybrids to the order of satan.

There is absolutely not any way God is going to bless the filth wihc is the United States or anything in this world. It is sodom to the core. The police state is at war against the People and nothing like that will ever stand.

We have as our global doctor, someone who breeds bat viruses to slaughter people with an enemy nation We have the same ghoul torturing animals to death.

The police are well Mosaad trained., They think the people are the enemy, and are as armed as an army, but will not rise up and arrest all the crooks in the DA, DOJ or in power directing their own demise. Cops are castrated, so those begging the People to rise up, should take the hint in how the training is, and who is winning.

Take Fauci's lying more seriously   washexam 

ILHAN IMPLODES: Omar Blames Minneapolis Lawlessness on ‘Dysfunctional Police’   hannity 

Alabama Governor Orders State Agencies To Defy Vaccine Mandates   caller 

I was thinking of Little Cindy Lou Who, who was no more than two, and how the Who's in Whoville came out on Christmas morning singing, without the buttons, bows, presents or roast beasts. I don't give a care about not eating Turkey. I don't care about Christmas presents. None of that matters to me as a Christian. God will find something for me to eat that I will call special on Thanksgiving and I do not need presents to read the Christmas story in Luke, which is the greatest Gift of all.

I just would that the 1% would unhook the plough. I know they are going at warp speed, but let's get to the real orgy which is planned, as they want this anti Christian for God to Judge the world, as they believe it will eliminate the competition. It does not work that way, but this waiting around for shit to hit the fan is just bothersome. I'm ready to go on Great Tribulation Vacation while the rest of the world roasts. I'm ready for societal breakdown so I can be at liberty from this modern enslavement.  While most of you were having a good life, I had shit for my entire life, a real bad existence, so I'm not going back to the whorehouse which treated you so well, as it never loved me.

TL and I just got about half our wood for heating cut today, and covered up. Things did not go the greatest, but things went, as much as the other things we needed done in moving a few things, so in another HAARP windstorm it was a cherry day. I don't want to go back to yesterday. I probably would cause problems if I did, and yesterday holds nothing for me. I'm going to by Christ get carried through this Jacob's Trouble and I'm looking for a future, as none of this shit hole can stand. as God will not bless it, as none of this is Christian.

Sean Homo Hannity shows where his heart is. He views Holy Days as costing you as he is part of the whore state. Let this vax meltdown be your liberation and start doing things the way Jesus or the First Americans did them. They can't take your Happy or Merry from you.

Just remember like those the regime genocided in Muslim lands. Don't get yourself so far out that you can't get back home.

ABANDONED: Pentagon Confirms Nearly 450 Americans Trapped in Afghanistan   hannity 
