Sunday, October 3, 2021

Blondi Wulf


Schaue immer auf die Welt herab, damit sie zu dir aufschauen, Blondi!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Life is full of strange occurrences, like who would have ever thought one would own Adolf Hitler's dog.

Well it is not his real dog in Blondi, but this is another Shark Hunter story of the reality of how much Operation Paperclip lied to everyone, as in order to cover up Adolf Hitler's death, Martin Borrman who faked his own death too as recorded by William Shirer, and appeared later in South America.

Giving Americans uranium for Nagasaki and fixing their original Jewish atomic bomb so it would go off at Hiroshima, purchased more than just free passage for every Nazi into the Americas.

Blondi (1941 – 29 April 1945) was Adolf Hitler's German Shepherd, a gift as a puppy from Martin Bormann in 1941. Hitler kept Blondi even after his move into ...

The cover story was that Adolf Hitler was given poison pills and instructed his physician to test it out on Blondi, the beloved dog of the leader. That of course is ridiculous as Adolf Hitler loved animals. This dog being a gift from Bormann never would have been harmed, any more than Blondi's puppies.

So what happened?

Stand ins were created for Adolf Hitler, Eva Hitler and Blondi and her puppies. The dog found in the bunker was Blondi's companion, Bella.

Here are some photos of Blondi sans her litter of puppies.

What happened? There still exists an underground subway outside the Chancellery which connected to the airport. From there the leadership and dogs were flown out of Germany. The ruse had been set in place for weeks, from the cover stories about Adolf Hitler being ill.

No one has ever asked if the Valkyrie Assassination Plot which was known completely by SS Reichmarshal Heinrich Hitler had a stand in that day, who was playing with his magnifying glass acting not at all leader, just as the bomb went off. The stand in was presented often to the military leaders to goad them on, and to produce the eyewitness accounts that Hitler was in severe medical trauma.

Time and again, even William Shirer would have Hitler striding around about getting in to a fight with a military  leader and the next he was dragging his foot around has his leg was lame. There could not be two different Hitlers unless there were two different Hitlers.

So there had to be two different Blondi's and of course the puppies made it to South America, where they were coveted pets in Adolf Hitler had trained them. These are not just German Shepherds, not Austrian Shepherds of the infamous Belgian Shepherds. These are the Wulf Shepherds and those who have been destined to own them are of course the most chosen and special of dog owners.

Granted one must limit ones annunciations to German or (English commands with a German accent) as if one engages in Jewish things, the dogs simply refuse to have anything to do with you. They are very well mannered of course, as it is not like they eat Jews on site or urinate on lesser peoples like Slavs, but they do have standards only to the Wulf line and one must comply with these natural abilities of this breed, or the dogs will simply reject you and never look back. 

Du bist mehr als ein Hund. Sie sind Deutsch!



Wulf Blondi

Eines Tages wird die Welt uns beide für tot halten, aber wir werden leben!

I highly doubt any of you will be of the order to be able to qualify for the Nobel German Shepherd, but at least you can content yourself that there are this master race of canines coveted by all and owned by so very few.

You of course have your lap dogs to satisfy as they suit your kennels and your cell phone lives. For others there are always cats which of course pretend loyalty and love, and you enjoy when they run out the door and are cat sex on the roof.

Honestly what would you do with a German Shepherd, what could you do with a Wulf. I mean, they are just beyond your vaxed little lives.

Nuff Said
