Sunday, October 3, 2021

Donin the Danell Boone

You are not prey nor predator,  you do the Danell Boone

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the coyote and coons lessened our chicken stock food supply, they started setting again, and one English Game Hen stuck herself undera board, where she sat last year until she got covered up by a foot of snow and abandoned her nest.

This year she hatched out in September and was wild as hell. I had only seen 4 chicks, and caught them wtih TL as she was flying around like a wild grouse.

So I put the chicks with another nice Sumtra hen we have that hatched out four too, and they Games only had one get out which I returned.

Turned out the wild hen had 3 other chicks, which I could not find as she was in the deep weeds, and appaered 2 days later, looking for food.

So we caught the 3 as it was getting cold and that does not mix with baby chicks, I put them in with the Sumatra, and the one little bastard got out, ran to the corner and as I was getting feed, it ran out the door. I caught it, put it back, but when I did chores the next morning, he was out again and I figured I would catch him after I fed the hen in the cage an that little bastard ran for the door like greased shit.

I saw it once outside after that as it scurried away under some wire spools, and I may have heard it a bit later, but that was it. So I don't know if I stepped on it, if some other chicken picked him up or if a cat ate it.

That cat caught some other chick the other day so another hen was around somewhere, but whatever the case is, that chick is your lesson.

You are going to have to adapt. You may want things the way you always did them. You may want to be by your family, but they might get you killed. Your way of doing things might get you killed. You have God looking out for you, you have the advice here, but if you go back to your before the End Times doing things, you are going to be once again on the run, and not knowing what will be safe or not an if rescue comes you might run being a dumb ass, and run right into the cat of death or some group of chickens who are going to run faster than you nad leave your for dead.

You are going to have to adapt. If you don't, there are lots of forces out there who are above the law and a law unto their ownselves. You can not duel with the police state, your army or an enemy army. As they have the numbers and more to the point, they either want to stick their cocks in you or bullets in you.

Everyone has the idea of being some hero. Heroes end up dead. You never call a deer a coward for running away or hiding to not get shot, so that is an adaptation you are going to have to incorporate to your response. In most cases, you are going to have two choices, concealment and retreat, as staying alive is your objective.

The Marine sniper, Carlos Hathcock, who was a legitimate sniper, unlike these other long distance killers, explained his objective. He was not out there as a sniper to kill the enemy. His first priority was concealment and then obsevation, to report back to his superiors the information. Carlos Hathcock was a Scout, like Kit Carson. 

If the opportunity arose to implant lead into an officer or sniper during  the Marine's mission, then he did that, but in most cases he was there performing a scouting mission and psychological warfare to disrupt the enemy's way of conducting war.

The above is not to school you on shooting people. You have missed the point and will become maggot fodder if you gleaned that from the above, but even in that you will have served the purpose in occupying the assailants while others who are concealed are stealthily moving back to life while you stupidly exposed yourself and died.

The more secure your location. The more secure you are. The more secure your main sources of food, water and fuel, the percent of your survival goes up remarkably.

If you want to be a hero, go join the vaxed woke army. If you want to be stupid, go walk out into traffic and die, because at this moment each of you have more people around you, and you are probably an idiot too, who is just going to have to go out to do something stupid like thinking you need something and you will get yourself killed, which is not so bad, but the problem is you probaly would survive as you will lead assailants back to the people who trusted you, and they will get raped, butchered and murdered, as you cower in wrecked car, lamenting this bad thing that happened, but not taking responsibility for it.

Every survivor will have to learn how to adapt. Even then the best will come into contact with a bad situation and get kiled. All one can do is trust in God, not do stupid things and increase your odds of staying alive. You want to be a dead chicken, there are ample opportunities you are availing yourself with now by cocking off. Survivors are not mouthy, no more than a Scout takes chances.

Adapt because the world is changed. It will continue to degrade, and the focus is to survive, to a time when you have the odds to do stupi things like going for a walk in the daylight.

Nuff Said