Friday, October 1, 2021



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had been wondering who took down the site, and tonight in checking the page, I found this.

The evidence is that someone who does not like the postings on Rense obliterated the site.

Just so you understand this. Rense is someone's livelihood. Not just Jeff Rense, but there are people who making a living as sponsors selling things to the public and people who make a living lecturing from appearing on this program. This is an act of homicide in hacking a site and obliterating it.

Nothing is going to be done about it as it never is, because if the NSA finds talented hackers, they hire them, and in most cases the hackers work for a shadow compartment and performed this service for some dictatorship.

Tonight when I returned home and logged onto this lap top, I was logged out of emails and our hot spot was telling me to log back into the network. Someone had been in our phone and my computer. That is not some white undies child in mama's basement, that is some dictatorship looking into what this blog has posted. The other night after investigating Remdesivir, the computer would not shut off, which meant an outside source was in my system which has all the protections, but the holes that the NSA built into Windows for Bill Gates.

I will assume most of Jeff Rense's platform is backed up, and it requires reloading, but it all has to be rebuilt and for a radio program that means the platform links.

Jeff Rense in his stand and reporting saved numbers of people's lives over this vax. He assembled the most detailed information encyclopedia online. The assembled Spartacus Paper is nothing but a moment in the years Rense has invested in assembling all of this data.

It just makes it harder on everyone trying to save lives and liberty.

Nuff Said
