Thursday, September 30, 2021

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Oddly, in this end of the age, there is a Mr. Spock in Clif High who is a most fascinating mind, in he wrote a program which projected forensic psychology, simply using computer chatter to chart and predict future events.

Mr. High is fascinating in he communicates in a beautiful American Anglo Saxon, with a Norman lilt. He is a most able communicator as Ronald Reagan achieved.

He has revealed that his data mining is skewed now by censorship. I would conclude it is more than censorship, but is instead Mockingbird and the knowledge of the 1% that they can indeed manipulate his tracking, to keep it silent.

Mr. High has stated his coming projections which are of interest.

October 4th through 10th - politics desperation, doubles tensions on Biden

October 24th through 28th, the mother of all stock crashes. This is long duration and high impact in the High data mining, so he concludes it is financial.

January holds an emotional term of coming out on the other side of this.

OK so the Dictator has to get the nation rapists their 3 trillion dollar looting of the US debt in October. Trends are that Pelosi is losing her grip on power. The point in this is, the Socio Conglomerates have their Nazi hands out in they think they are in power, when the 1% is in power. 

There is not any celebration in the Dictator failing, as what Clif High's data set processing is projecting, failures. Failures in America is what is desired. Failures being the war structure which is desired. I have read the matrix, and there is in this time line a building time line that began in May. May was the original period of this coup. This time line has leaders ruling who are appointed.

Just remember that Clif High is not a seer. He is seeing patterns. He does not comprehend that the Jews are vaxing their own to get rid of the Judahites and leave a ruling elite minority backed by other political forces in Europe. Do not project this as depopulation, as that is not the intent of the 1%. This does go horribly wrong though and that is part of what starts the culling.

We shall see if they crash the markets in not raising the debt. Just be prepared and continue to prepare.
