Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Driving Miss Daisy Bioweapon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.'

It just occurred to me, that does the majority in America have the right to dictate to the minority of genders who fantasize about being raped by millions of Latinoids and Chinoids. Think of the hot wet nights these people shiver through the day for, in hoping for an invasion into America and their body parts by ruthless Chinese and Mexicans, and then having to sit in the crusty dampness of the day in knowing there are forces working against their greatest thrill.

You remember Lara Logan? She is the liberal who Obama had gang raped in  Egypt to shut her up, and now she is with her new face lift working for the right wing with stories like the one below.

Lara Logan says she’s been told migrant crisis at border perfect cover for someone to sneak in a bioweapon

Being just a popular girl who is Inspired, I read the above and think, "Yeah China has diplomatic immunity, so who are they vials of deadly MERS potions, probably shoved up the asses of China couriers, which makes one understand why Chinamen have slant eyes, as having bioweapons up the bung would make anyone have a squint.

So Lara Logan's story blows. It is DIA Qanon bullpussy. The cover story is cover for the story, and wants to rip ass on the right, who hate this vermin invasion, and now more plague shit for you the right to act out on so the FBI can get like a second permit to hunt down Jan6ers. I wonder what you call a twice hunted Jan6er.

Anyway China could bring in on their jets tons of shit, which they do, like in their container ships, like in their Chinamen restaurants, and no one gives a rats ass about any of this. So what is the point in making some poor Chinaman shove a tube up his rectum, and not shit for a week, when the Chinese Ambassador could ..........yeah it seems to me the chain of evidence is killer plagues from the Jews, end up in Iran, end up in Saudi Arabia, ends up in a Dutch lab, ends up in Canada and gets smuggled back out to China. China really doesn't  know jack shit about germs as they get them all from labs in the West. So the germs are already here.

Now I'm not saying that the Chinese are not bloodsuckers without morals who can be suckered into being whores for the 1% in promises made, but let's face it, the DIA is sowing this story about Super MERS, to blame "America's enemies". Who they are in the Dictator Biden sphere, I don't know as the Dictator used a bioweapon upheaval to get himself installed into the White House.

Let us do some more reading of headlines. 

WORLD BOMBSHELL: Leaked DARPA document, DRASTIC analysis confirms attack on humanity using aerosolized, skin-penetrating nanoparticle spike proteins

First there is no such thing as a nano particle spike protein. There are spike proteins like the spikes of the crown on a crown virus, and there are prions., and for that matter, there are nano particles.

Here is something about the above story,  But let's first digress and I will ask you easy questions which will make you think you are genius.

First question, are the 1% humans?

Yes is the answer if you were thinking it was a trick question.

Second question, are demon engineered humanoid hybrids vulnerable to biological agents that humans are?

Yes is the answer even if you are thinking about it, as we do not have all day as I'm waiting on the big donation, as God will tell rich people, "Hey rich person, donate to Lame Cherry, then they will be like that guy who had the colt for Jesus to ride on Palm Sunday and that guy who had the upper room for the Passover, as God told them, "Hey you got a ride and a lunch, so donate it to my Boy as He is on a mission", and they did just that.

I did trick you as I did not digress and have been on point to the last question.

Third question, so the 1% can have a bad day like you, if some jasper hoses them down with nano particle spike proteins, as spike proteins are prions and they turn brains into mush, and even immortals have brains so they are mush material. Remember God said their worm dieth not and they will have sores..........so they can have prion rot too.

Now to the point in this as you are a graduated genius, the point is, the 1% is not going to hose down the world with nano prions because they would be causing problems for themselves as they are not transformed into immortals yet.

The conclusion of this is, this is more DIA manipulations to keep you off guard and to lead you to a narrative of their intent, as there is not a Super MERS as that would harm the 1%, so there is propaganda in it is this booster serum, which like the other serums has been culling and transforming select groups, and as there are 4 flu bugs in one shot this year, with the degraded immune systems, a number of people are going to get quite sick, which will be blamed on Super MERS, which it is not, and the scapegoat will be those enemies with bioweapons who crossed into America from Texas.

That might even get the Dictator to start a real war with those slant eyes of China.

With that, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

