Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Brier Patch


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was told by another disgruntled Brier Patch native that 20 Californians has moved in. No one likes it and no one wants them. Even Black Steve mentioned to us the other day that there were more blacks in town than there used to be and he did not like it.

I live in the Brier and I do not know what your world is like, but mine even with high traffic shit is an example of this.

I had been trying to get a belt pulley drive mounted on the Farmall H and went to town with a bolt, as the guy who sold me one, "The wife forgot to pack it in the box". These things are like 75 pounds and he has his wife packing them, so she must be one beefy gal who should tell the husband to get his ass to packing or get packing.

Anyway I needed bolts so I took one out and took it along so I could be sure of the threads. I found the assortment I thought would work in a 6 inch, 2 1/2 inch and a 2 inch, for a total of 6. I needed some bolts and burrs, no nuts as you are not Brier Patch, and got things lined up as I had sat the bolt and sizes I had written down on the shelf and was loading things up, and I remember thinking, "I do not want to put that in the bag or they are going to charge me.

Got home about 7, got unloaded piles of junk yard stuff, and I could not find that bolt. I thought I had picked it up, but was disgusted as I had probably left it. Considering this was a good bolt when America made bolts I was pissed. So I talked TL into going back on Sunday to see if it was there, as I had gotten a homemade air tank from JYG and it got broke in the valve stem and it was refusing to behave so I needed a replacement.

So I get the valve stem replacement and vooch on back to the bolts and I burst out laughing.

There had been thousands of people through that store. The staff had been in there, and right where I left that bolt on a brown napkin with the bolts sizes on a brown paper napkin.

I live in a community where even in stores I can leave things and people will not steal them.

I never lock our vehicle. Most days in summer I leave the windows down. Might shock you that we leave laptops, our phones and other things in that pick up and we never have any problems. As I said I live in a community

I'm pleased to say that most of you do not live in such a place and you are going to have hell and high water when things go south. You do not have to live in the hinterlands, because even places like New York where Gerald Celente lives, people are good and people like him you could trust with your credit cards. It is just there are such shit areas, yeah California, those big metro areas where people are just vermin waiting on the Darwin extermination train.

You just stand a better chance in a community of honest people. Not that they are going to share their wife or bread with you, but they at least will give you fair warning to schnell before they take your prepper shit.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

