Anthony Fauci Has Been Abusing Animals for 40 Years
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As this Lame Cherry was part of the fist media which exposed the torture and murder of animals by Dr. Anthony Fauci along with the terrorizing and endangering people which Anthony Fauci has been engaged in for the past two years as he promoted himself. more details have appeared in what Anthony Fauci has been using your money to fund, such as the torture of puppies in Africa and the killing them like Planned Parenthood as they cut the dead up in pieces, this is in civilized societies something which was never condoned.
The same can’t be said for other experiments paid for by Fauci’s NIAID. Last year, the institute paid the University of Georgia $424,455 to infect beagles with a parasite before killing them and cutting them open.
To be fair to Anthony Fauci the Lame Cherry publishes an exclusive defense of Dr. Fauci, so that his side of this story can be told for having puppy's heads eaten off by insects. the puppies then murdered and then their bodies cut up.
Welcome Dr. Anthony Fauci, the friend of Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates the man never fired by Donald Trump and protected by Dictator Joe Biden.
Dr. Fauci the platform is yours what is your explanation of the torture and murdering of puppies?
Come italiano, mi vergogno di come l'Italia abbia deluso i nazisti nella seconda guerra mondiale. Il nazista aveva il dottor Mengele, ma non c'era nessun Mengele italiano...........
Excuse me Dr. Fauci, please, as most of our readers do not speak Italian, could you answer in English please, as from above I take it, that you are upset that Italians let Nazis down in World War II, and you are trying to make up for it in torturing puppies and mass murdering people to be the 21st century Dr. Mengele.
Si, si, I mean yes yes, you understood what I said. Mussolini let down Hitler,
and if I was there, I would have wiped out the Greeks, Albanians, Croatians, Serbs,
Bosnians and those dark skinned southern Italians for starters.
Have you not with the vax surpassed southern European cleansing and gone global?
Exactly, when I funded this bat feces virus, I saw my opportunity
to return the prestige back to Italy. It is why Italy got wiped out first. I
had to rid Italy of those who did not see the world I see it.
Dr. Fauci, but how does this figure into puppies, cute Beagle puppies?
How could anyone harm innocent puppies or even children?
I hate puppies. I love terrorizing children. Remember when I threatened
them with Santa Claus? Children, puppies, same tissue. I ate a puppy once,
it was just disgusting, nothing like tofu at all.
So you are torturing puppies an terrorizing children, to make up for the lack of Italian support for the holocaust in World War II. is there anything else you would like to add Dr. Fauci?
Hitler and Mussolini made a mistake in being compassionate. They left
people alive and they liked puppies. I'm going to kill everyone and everything
as this humanitarian stuff is just not me.
Thank you Dr. Fauci for clearing all of this up.
Nuff Said.