Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Matter of Denial of Service

I'm Gulag Betty. 
You have the right to bleat as you are my sheep to shear.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you need reminding, the Lame Cherry projected that the police in America would be replaced with a corporate force. The BLM and ANTIFA defund the police was the first winnowing and now the vax is the next phase in this.

The metropolitan areas will be the focus in this as this is the confinement areas, the Warsaw Ghetto, and do not think for a moment that the Golden Ghettos are going to be not touched in this.

When this blog informed all of you that we are in a gulag in you could not leave America via Canada or Mexico without a passport, this was over. When this blog explained that these invaders thought they were coming in for freebies, no they are here in the gulag, as they are not ever going to leave America alive, as they were brought here in the numbers the 1% required and now they have been maxed out again, and that is the final solution for them too.

3000 Chicago Cops Defy Illegal Vax Mandate

Being fully prepared is soon not going to be enough. This is a pre emptive war on China in their economy is paper tiger and is failing, meaning they will have to come out and play war.

Concentration of resources is exactly what is the point in this. Keeping them offshore, keeps them from the mobs. The second greatest criminal in America in Bidencon is SecTran Buttpeg. With Fauci having terrorized numbers into a frenzied submission, Buttpeg is now in the process of soaking up American's wealth that is left on these staged shortages, and more to the point, concentrated resources like gold in Fort Knox, means no police, means no security, means coming stories of hijacking, which means military distribution, so line up before your raping National Guard and you don't get your daily bread handout unless you have the vax.

Just remember this blog told you what occupational Americans did in Germany, in raping German girls in exchange for a crust of bread as their men were dying in open air concentration camps. This has all been done before by the Pentagon, and it is being implemented now. No one may beg nor borrow without the mark of the vax.

Americans Need To Be Fully Prepared
For Utter Mayhem And Deadly Events Ahead

Record-Breaking 100 Ships Anchored,
Waiting At Los Angeles And Long Beach Ports

An LA Trucking Company Is Running Out Of Places
To Put Its Shipping Containers So They're Parking
Some On A Residential Street

There is nothing positive in the Unions finally coming to protest the vax. They put Bidencon in there, and now Bidencon is eating them like Colin Powell and Bill Clinton.  Winter is where they will do their first hard work and spring will provide the first crushing blow in this feudal system.

I was speaking with a recent refugee from Minneapolis Minnesota. He had a number of F choice words for the coastal peoples who were even invading his shit hole state. He stated that the Arrowhead, infamous for wilderness, is flooding with Californians. They are paying a king's ransom for shit land which is not worth it.

The Lame Cherry will explain something, just like Maine and Upstate New York. It snows in northern Minnesota. That entire area is one of the coldest in the lower 48, where 50 below is not uncommon. It is trees, it is full of wolves and those dimwits who think they can have an avenue to jump into Canada, have no idea of the reality of dying in the wilderness in being wet, buried in snow, froze in cold. Canada is just as bad in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. Those towns in northern Minnesota have electric plug ins on main street so people can plug their vehicles in while they shop, or their cars will not start.

Haul your Prius out there, and you are not going anywhere and no one there is going to give a damn when you die.

There is a whole another world in the areas that these refugees are fleeing to. They have no idea what the real world is. The real world is the 1% using nature to eliminate the Darwin and the metro world is the 1% contracting with conglomerate police forces to keep you bent over to be raped by those on the streets.

What you are witnessing at this point are the target points in the hard projections of how your existence is going to be affected, and there will not be a response, except those responses allowed in this.

If you are now witnessing stories of people quitting their jobs, that is what the 1% desires is more people to quit their jobs as the police, fire, nursing and pharm network is going to be crippled.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

