As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm listening to Erica Khan on Jeff Rense and she is doubling down in the creature which has been found i the vax. she is dismissing it again as contaminant.
The Lame Cherry challenges again, WHAT IS IT THEN?
This thing has never been photographed before in nature or in labs. SO WHAT IS IT?
Erica Kahn is saying this is production process, material, e coli, nano particles, graphene, the purity of it all and it is mixed together..........
OK, this creature is ALUMINUM with CARBON feet. It matches none of the Erica Kahn explanations. Her giggling like a school girl and now Jeff Rense calling this is a hygiene and then covering with there are things in this vax.
This Kahnjob creature is not fiber, biological, glass, or anything else. Of all of these materials, NONE match what Eric Kahn is attempting to dismiss this as.
I inquired on this, and have told you what this grey creature is. It is a fantastic creation.
This blog goes back to what the purpose of this creation was. It is a regenerative antennae for evolving synforms All of this makes me wonder what the smoke and mirrors of the giggling Erica Kahn who is acting like cackling Kamala Harris.
She is diverting that this "mind control". This is NOT mind control. That is not the purpose of this creature. It is a neurological plug in.
In challenge, what has Erica Kahn done, but sit on social media, preen on Jeff Rense programs, discussing the work of others. She is championed as an expert like none other. No she is a micro biologist. That is not the end all of science. MB's are not physicists, chemists or engineers, which is the realm of what this creature must be examined as. To focus on biology, when this is an imprinted DNA fused into aluminum.
The greys are running interference for their creature. Greys on Rense are termed now as benevolent after 50 years of rape of humans to hybridize humans. Greys are warning not to take the vax as protectors of humans. Greys are the voice of Erica Kahn who is fixed on mass death, when this is not about mass death. This is moving past biology and giggling experts. This is entering synthetic transformation of humans. This biology is yesterday's step child. This is not about evolving biological bioweapons. This is entered mechanics. I have pointed you to John Henry. I have told you where to look. Now this smokescreen is coming from Rense in this con job from Erica Kahn. Propaganda is being generated to protect this creature. That means this creature has a purpose just like the greys.
Nuff Said