As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter/
I just finished filling out a survey for a vendor which promised a 500 dollar credit. I was honest in helping them in what they need to do, like I harp at debit card companies to make it easy to deposit money from Paypal into debit cards, as that would assist me.
Otherwise, I stop reading those psychological profiles and just click on the dots as I do not want my profile filling up an even bigger FBI profile on me as they already know what a docile sheep I already am. If they had a question about race, I would enter BLEATER, as we are all sheep of the pen in this wonderful 1% world.
I would love to win one of these drawings, but I never do. Always is some rich prick who wins. I do not know why rich people are always putting into drawings that poor people do, but they have an empty which never does fill up.
Then again what would I do with winning 500 dollars as what is 500 dollars now, just torture in do I spend more money to get something which is worth it that I can not afford or do I just buy some crap and have more crap? Not winning saves me that frown.
This is what I call filler as filler is what is necessary in an international platform as number crunching is something people can not deal with volumes of day in and day out. Need to take a break and talk about nonsense and hide in some humor, some bullshit and some profound thought so the people will read it. Thing is telling secrets of Bullwinkle and Rocket J does no harm as people are too lazy and too not able to deal with sifting through information and assembling it for a blog so the competition is on the sidelines.
Mine is a world of setting sun
Of days gone by and life lived one
Gone are the times I once knew well
Coming are the days upon which I dwell
On the the shores of tomorrow
My journey does follow
Away, today, to say away
Does the sands of time ring hollow
Forevermore and more evermore
The past has gone before
Come, today, to say come today
Opens that future door
The setting sun shrouds the world
In discovery of future furled
Knowing well in that time
The days prose rhythm and rhyme
Have not done that in awhile, have not done most things in a while. Peopled use to recite things or be artistic, but that heart is gone, as entertainment is a meme forgotten before it is read.
So much is the world of filler
Nuff Said