What were you expecting fool, a time piece?
This is about an hour glass figure.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I hope this to be an understandable explanation of time by God's Grace for all time or what the 1000 plus years are left of it.
I have been reading the thoughts of Michel Nostradamus, a most collective genius of the 1500's, not of prophecies which I hope to address later, but in his ignorance or being uninformed of the matrix and time. For Nostradamus, he lacked experience and understanding of what time is. When he remote viewed events like Dick Algire, the Frenchman was credible per year, but was absolutely incredible as the time line progressed.
In the archives here on the Lame Cherry are the predictions for earthquakes. I was spot on for 3 months, was still correct at 6 months, but after that the accuracy subsided as that is what the time line does. The matrix is always affected by God, by human will, by demonic projection. When God states something it takes place. The rest is a flowing force which requires action to fulfill thoughts.
Each part of the matrix is time. On Star Trek, Spock made a scientific statement that was thought to be like a river, it flows, it has rivers and eddies and people are swept into events by the currents. That is correct but it is also ignorant. It is incomplete as my analysis and existential experience has shown.
The Lame Cherry states that ALL IS LIQUID. Everything inside this universe and outside it mirrors water. Solids exposed to the correct frequency become liquid. Gravity has waves. Birds swim through the air. All matter an light is water. Jesus is the Living Water.
This is the magnus opus part in this in the matrix and it concerns time, will and energy. Time is not what Star Trek said alone. Time is the matrix, it flows, but time is multi dimensional, it moves, it can speed up, slow down and stop. Time in the matrix also is not just liquid. Time is the liquid of solid ice, time is the vapor of steam, time is the drawing of frost.
You witness these manifestations in nature, and the are what time is as a liquid. Time can break like ice, time can be solid like ice. Time can pattern like frost in design. Time can be atomized by forces and come back together to continue on and time can be a raging river or a placid pool.
This is what Nostradamus did not comprehend in his arrogance and ignorance as most do not. Nostradamus though what he saw were solid images of time to predict events. Those events never happened. There has never been a Second Charlemagne and never will be. There will never be the images which Nostradamus saw and then confirmed by astrology. The stars wrote the confirmation of what he saw, but what he saw was an illusion. It melted away and other events formed.
I'm certain that each time traveler or remote viewer sees things amplified on their perspective. It does not make sense how Nostradamus saw things specific to him and no one else did. Yet it was evidenced, but that is what is unique of the matrix in each person sees a time line from their perspective, or more to the point, each person is drawn to a time line which is of their energy.
Perhaps this will explain better why "people get things wrong". Say you have Lame Cherry, Ivanka Trump and Angela Merkel all looking at the matrix. One of us sees war, one sees Donald Trump president and one of us sees a second plague. For this purpose none of the events take place so they would be deemed wrong, and yet each person was right in what they witnessed as a projection of events.
It still requires willpower to drive events ahead. Angels do direct events from God. In random odds, it took over a decade for those in power who wanted war to start World War I. In random odds, how many dozen people lust to be President? In random odds, how many plagues sweep the world back to back?
People can see things which are concerns and those timelines do exist. People can see things they want to happen by the masses and yet they do not prevail. It is possible by stealing an election as John Kennedy and Barack Obama did that the matrix rectifies this incorrect time line in erasing the past events. The time line can be shattered by tragic upheaval and mass death events. The time line can be vaporized by mass influences of hysteria. The time line can be swept along by human emotion. Time can freeze into a solid block if civilization decides it wants the status quo or something like the Black Death disrupts human continuity.
This is what time is. This is what the matrix is. Some are attuned to 30 day cycles in accuracy in projections to a point. The only real Prophets are the ones who are informed by God as God is certain to fulfill the time line. demons in oracles are eavesdroppers who get main function correct, but are always influenced by the attraction of deceptions.
Time is a most complex creature which is alive with energy and the thoughts of every human, animal and the energies of God to rocks.
There are absolute events which must take place in time, and they will reset if they are not manifested. People must die sometime, and if your window is missed, it will reset. Nostradamus missed his death by 18 months. He saw his death, but will has an order in this, and the death clock kept resetting until that event was fulfilled.
Nostradamus was not wrong. Nostradamus was not right. He was though ignorant and when the time came his will put it off for a time until his energies could no longer melt the solid object of his death.
Being poor and stressed, I do not have a great deal of time to advance the realities. What I come across in living and experience is what the above is in a more complete analysis of time.
It is easier to influence people than time, for if one influences people, one gains control of the time line up to a point.
-Lame Cherry
This is part of the hour glass figure.