We eat our own and it has a fishy flav.
The Secret CIA Campaign To Influence Culture
Covert Cultural Operations (2000)
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As it has become evident that General Michael Flynn is one of the most skilled intelligence operatives as a Judas Goat, in an operation preying on the loyalties and fidelity of Americans as he was a created martyr, who then by the Defense Intelligence Agency fueled January 6th and then espoused Protestant Christian statements, that he was there to glean the last few wetware in the Q operation, before Q Peters took over the task and the more bizarre platforms which are sport now in releasing nonsense like Hunter Biden is in Gitmo.
The problem in all of this is........
Is that this blog first revealed Trump was a DIA operation. Donald Trump is so vax state that his tour as punter of issues is almost legend. The "evidence" in this klusterfuck, is the DIA was the platform, which no one was looking at, out of the NSA, which then projected into the CIA, that in John Brennan was running operation with James Comey. You know all this history, but what you have to understand is something in the CIA has never been the great conqueror the Mockingbird and other operations have allowed the CIA to be blamed for.
The CIA has always been nothing but a front for the KGB Stalin apparatus or what built the CIA in the Gestapo SS in those Paperclip talents were remarkable, before they were shown the door. This is not communists as some say, but a perfect order of control for their designed purpose.
It is now in genetic control of all forms of intelligence and military across the globe. This is a mind which has incorporated all the assets for this Leviathan of control, before the system is shifted to the immortal elders and the immortal slaves transmute this to this satanic system.
You really have to understand what you are looking at is expendable parts. This has all been designed to be expendable. In a one world order this not going to be any need for a CIA or FBI, because it will be complete control of souls via electronic means. As this blog has stated, there are not going to be any competitors allows to challenge anything. Christopher Wray and whatever is running CIA or DIA, are footnotes. They are employees, not the decision makers. They get their orange marmalade for treason and they are going to be reminders of the sullied nature of this takeover. The 1% is as far removed from those in employ as you are to the chimps in the zoo.
Just be aware that this is all misdirection. Those you have been conditioned to believe are behind this are not. They are fixtures to be focused upon, and focusing on those things allows you to not observe what is taking place in the shadows.
This situation could not be run by a computer, which it has been, as things just click and fall into place. For those who have herded cattle in a pen, when the cattle are caught, you beat the hell out of them and they just move to where they do not want to be in the vax stanchion. We are all at the point now of being clobbered by events in brutal fashion. This in what is coming is going to be more brutal, literally.
Nuff Said