Monday, October 25, 2021

Trust the Science of Male Vaxiness

I'm confused by the size of Male Vaxiness

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is always on top of what is important and this is important.

Let us all face it that Del Bigtree is sexy as sexy vaxman.

The problem is,  Kim Huck is sexy. As the World Turns Sexy as Duncan McKechnie.

As you can see we have a problem. Are Del and Kim the same man, or are we in a paradigm of end time sexiness and in this is this the reason that the world is vax ending as all this sexiness can not be contained in one sphere?

Is nature confused when sexy Del says Robert Kennedy things that it gets confused by an actor in Kim reciting lines and nature can not understand what is reality?

Is this why Anthony Fauci is being Dr. Mengele on steroids the size of elephant testicles? Is this why Dictator Biden is going Joe Stalin because reality is merging in small little piss ant primates are in delusions of grandeur in being in over their heads?

This is a trust the science moment as no one can deny that Del and Kim are sexy. They look like the same man, and that kind of confusion simply must disrupt nature and the weak in nature of course would be the most affected, meaning liberals, the FBI obviously in acting like America is their Serengeti to go hunt down humans as Homeland sells licenses.  There must be a reason for this vax madness, and sex men obviously are an obvious choice as such testosterone prowess just sexes things up too much and those with raisin size  testes are attempting to overcome, like fondling children in the Dictator and instead of just holocausting Jews, the Doctor holocausting billions with the zyklon vax.

 This is the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.


