As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There was once upon a time, prissy rich people, who lives on lakes in shit hole Southern locations, who had a problem with the wildlife named Bubba who put 5 million horsepower engines on their big ole bass and dinky duck boats, and made wakes like tidal wave that rocked the world of rich people who did not want to be deafened by the roar of Gator speed on their ponds.
So they bought the politicians who were living on the ponds too, and they passed a law that no one named Bubba could have any motorboat engines larger than 10 horsepower.
Manufacturers though seeing a new Bubba market began manufacturing the 9,9 horsepower engine and they are still selling them today.
This is why the woke dictators of California going electric green in banning all engines in lawn equipment under 25 horsepower are going to produce a manufacturing bonanza in 25.5 engines.
The new law requires small-motor landscaping equipment to be zero-emission, meaning that they must be battery-powered or plug-in, by 2024 or as soon as the California Air Resources Board determines it is feasible to make the transition. New portable gas-powered generators are required to be zero-emission by 2028, or later if the agency says so, the Los Angeles Times reported.
The ban covers all engines that produce less than 25 gross horsepower, including lawn mowers, weed trimmers, chain saws, golf carts, specialty vehicles, generators and pumps. It does not apply to on-road motor vehicles, off-road motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, boats, snowmobiles, model airplanes, or cars.
Lawnmowers are running at 18 horsepower so 25 is nothing. With aluminum alloys and plastic parts, the weight will not matter. So that takes care of pumps, generators and golf carts, as the fact is a larger engine lasts longer than small engines under stress.
What about the weeders and chainsaws?
Let us see what the law says...............
Gas-powered equipment purchased before the ban goes into effect can still be used.
So there are piles of weeders and chainsaws in California, and as this woke law is not registering serial numbers, there is not any way of proving if someone buys new shit years from now, out of state.
The gem in this is going to be the remanufactured market. Nowhere in this shortsighted law does it state that an owner can not "repair" as in order a new engine in a trimmer or mower and switch it out. For the record, chainsaws and trimmers are the same in engines. They are simple in overhaul parts repair. Literally the head and block will never wear out.
New industries to defeat wokeism.
Any business could have purchased the necessary items for the few years, before the market forces kick in in black market and after market forces defeat this woke law.
Jul 24, 2002 ... ... 088's and the like can make over 25 HP. What keeps 120cc chainsaw engines from being not quite as potent as the others, may lie in part ...