Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Dragon Wagon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have come across some connect the dots which are worth noting in Walmarts have been gutted and are appearing with barbwire on top. which appear to be the perfect urban concentration camps, once surrounded with razor wire.

Have seen this in California, Texas, Oklahoma and Nevada.

The Pentagon has been funding Walmart or you have been funding Walmart or Chinamart, to make Walmarts into forward distribution bases of arms.

What set this off was I was familiar with the traditional trucks the military used for transports. I was watching a December Bitchute out of North Dakota where Abrams tanks and APC were moving, along with artillery, shipping containers and these new vehicles.

They look European, but are not. They are coming out of Wisconsin which Oshkosh is the Detroit of America now. Massive amounts of money and contracts flowed into this group and no one knew it.

FMTVs first entered production in 1991 to replace the iconic 2.5-ton "deuce and a half" and 5-ton trucks. Since then, multiple vendors have produced, upgraded, and improved more than 75,000 of these vehicles. Over this period, the Army has also pursued several improvements to its Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles, most recently with the competitively awarded "A1P2" version in 2008.

The Army and Oshkosh Defense will now finalize the FMTV A2 designs, conduct required testing, and then launch into production. New vehicles should begin rolling off the production line in 2020.

Here is another heavy transport in the Dragon Wagon. The reason for featuring them is there vehicles are going to be appearing to control Americans as the US military has stated it is moving to dealing with Americans, and not fighting wars.

Manufacturer: Oshkosh Corporation

Service: US Army, USMC Engine: MTU Detroit Diesel 12.1 liter Variants: M977 cargo truck, M978 tanker, M983 tractor, M984 wrecker, M985 cargo truck Crew: 2 Range: 400 miles Speed: 62 mph

The Heavy Expanded Mobility Transport Truck is an 8 x 8 diesel off-road tactical truck used by the US Army. Nicknamed “Dragon Wagon,” the HEMTT first went into service with the Army in 1985, replacing the M520 Goer trucks. More than 13,000 HEMTTs are in service today.

I'm also getting feeds of these underground hardened tunnels, EMP resistant crossing much of America. Rumors persist the access points are some Walmarts and most universities.

As you can see, the above is a DARPA, that is deep military state diagram of their building structures. There are thousands of miles of these tunnels and they are all stocked.

The Lame Cherry desires you to get this into your thought process. There are NO SHORTAGES. The shortages are a scam and a cover. The 1% has been taking all these computer chips, has moved onto diary cream in creating a perpetual stockpile for the chosen one who get to go into these tunnels. This is where all this production is disappearing into. The only reason this kind of crash hording would be instituted is there is preparations for an end of all production from industry for years to come. That included milled wood.

Jeff Rense keeps getting photographs from listeners in Kansas, and the military bases are deserted and no one can figure out where everything is disappearing to. The only conclusion is the United States military is stockpiling several armies in these massive tunnel complexes.

The Lame Cherry keeps telling you to prepare. By God's Grace a remnant will survive, but this massive looting of America for decades has been funding this build up, and these shortages have moved this into a crash program of stockpiling the goods for the 1% to fight a zombie type war and have the goods to make their lives wonderful.

Nuff Said
