Saturday, October 2, 2021

Who R The Barbarians

Hey we take baths, wash our clothes and do not have feces scented penis.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a Just Society, no free person ever fears the harshest of judicial penalties, because they do not break the law.

- Lame Cherry

In quoting the above, the fact is the United States is a corrupt regime which people should fear it's system of penalties as currently the FBI is hunting down and has arrested over 600 Americans over Jan6. Numbers have been tortured and denied speedy trials.

So it is puzzling how the Durdan Bros of the Zerohedge post things about the Taliban in Afghanistan in putting on display the bodies of kidnappers who were killed by police to deter crime. If you do not like Sharia law, Dictator Biden brought in 40,000 rapists and murdering pedophiles into America, a group just raped a female soldier on base where they are being housed in luxury, so these four kidnappers could have flown to America, on American expense and been given money and lived like kings on US military bases, plus they got Ivomec for COVID, as Americans can't get the real stuff. No Americans get horse dewormer.

So again, who are the barbarians in this, the Taliban or this Bidencon?

"Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security," he said, saying it had a deterrent effect. He said the Cabinet was studying whether to do punishments in public and will "develop a policy."

In recent days in Kabul, Taliban fighters have revived a punishment they commonly used in the past — public shaming of men accused of small-time theft.

On at least two occasions in the last week, Kabul men have been packed into the back of a pickup truck, their hands tied, and were paraded around to humiliate them.

Turabi further defended the notorious soccer stadiums of death which shocked the globe during the prior Taliban rule over two decades ago. At that time the public would be invited to watch convicts having limbs hacked off, as well as people being shot at point-blank range.

America is now force vaxing old people who are dying. It is a known World Health Organization disclaimer that Anthony Fauci's Remdesivir does not treat Covid, and it in fact kills people. A quarter teaspoon of the stuff, less then Zyklon for the Jews in Europe we are constantly told about World War II holocaust stuff, and yet that is not condemned, but the Taliban cutting off robber's hands convicted in Taliban courts is to be challenged.

No one gets a court hearing over the vax. No one gets a court hearing over Jan6. No one gets a court hearing over Dictator Biden firings or fines over the vax. Yet in Afghanistan criminals get court hearings in speedy trials.

Again who are the barbarians in all of this.

Anthony Fauci and Dictator Biden are moving to force inject children, who are immune from Covid. The vax is s synthetic prion which is harming children's hearts and killing them. Far more Americans have died from this vax than the Taliban will execute or cut off hands in a thousand years and yet the Taliban is the barbarians while the Americans are ...........not questioned.

In a just political system, no one has anything to fear from extreme penalties. I would wager the death sentence could be handed out for most "crimes" an most of you would be alive because you do not break the law.

As near as I was ever following the Taliban, they stopped Muslims raping little boys. They stopped the opium trade. They blew up Buddha idols. Last time I checked, Christianity does not support raping little boys, does not condone the drug trade and is supposed to not have idols. So again, the Taliban are following a more orderly society than the vile things that Americans are having foisted upon them.

I'm not defending the Taliban in any way. They are Christ deniers and going to hell. What I do challenge though is attacking the Taliban when the United States dictatorship is...........

Taking babies out of the womb, murdering them, and then cutting them up for sale.

Dictator Biden must condone the Taliban along with is Sec State and Defense as they turned the country over to them, after flying out the pedophiles to America.

The Taliban does not condone pedophiles. The United State does.

The reality is that when the Taliban knocks on your door, you know you did something against the law. In the United States, when the FBI knocks on your door, you were set up and informed by an FBI asset who gets paid for framing people.

Again who are the barbarians.

Hey Jill baths me, the staff washes my clothes,
but I fondle the children!

Nuff Said
