Friday, October 8, 2021

The End of America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There can be no doubt that the vast arsenal which the American People have funded in their police state and military, can reduce the Americans to Auschwitz rot and Hiroshima charred carcasses,  for the trust of this people was complete, in never suspecting that the forces they created to protect would be turned on them by a 1% cult to persecute them to genocide.

Those Truths are self evident, as evident as the threats of John Dyke Acland an English subject of the British Army, proclaimed:

Shall we be told then that is people, these Americans, whose greatness is the work of our hands, and whose insolence arises from our divisions, who have mistaken the leniency of this country for it's weakness, and the reluctance to punish, for a want of power to vindicate the violated rights of British subjects - shall we be told that such a people can resist the powerful efforts of this nation?

In the capital of America, London, the view was different from America in leniency, in Americans were being hunted down, enslaved into servitude, taxed without representation, raped, flogged, imprisoned and hung.

1775 is a mirror image of 2021 in the FBI hunts down Americans, massive debt makes Americans slaves, as they are tax slaves, Congress refuses to hear complaints from the People, BLM and ANTIFA rapes and murders as an extension of the Dictatorship of the 1% and the Jan6ers await in violated rights no speedy trial but torture to break them.

The sin pit which is the American metropolitan elite is beyond Sodom and Gomorrah. It is this from the beginning of America, that this villainy of rebellion against God's morality has raised it's head. It is not thee American People who are in insurrection, it is the very Dictatorship of America, protected by a police state and military cabal, which is in insurrection to these Truths we hold self evident that all men are created equal by their Maker and endowed with certain inalienable Rights, of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to live those moral lives.

In response to the threats of the London sect in 1775, was Governor of West Florida, George Johnstone who exclaimed against the absolute wickedness of the Pharisaical elite:

"Every Machiavellian policy is now to be vindicated towards the American People.

Men are to be brought to this black business hoodwinked. They are to be drawn in by degrees, until they can not retreat. We are breaking through all of those sacred maxims of our forefathers, and giving the alarm to every wise man on the continent of America, that all rights depend on the will of men whose corruptions are notorious, who regard him as an enemy, and who have no interest in his prosperity".  

Does anyone with any moral compass reading this, agree that the ways of satan, in hating God, hating morality, hating Americans is American? Are the things of satan, the adversary, in butchering babies and selling their parts in aborticide, in sodomy sex perverts, in corrupt courts torturing their own Citizens, in making every Christian morality a crime by man declared mandates is the example for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to continue a People and a Nation?

History has proven from Nineveh,  Sodom, Canaan, Athens and Rome, that such debauchery is the death sentence of civilization. Thee immoral amorality of those judging Americans as criminals is condemned by God and rejected by free People who unslaved themselves as subject to a king and made themselves responsible to God and each other to be a moral People.

America in every city, in every vestige of power, is notoriously corrupt as London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Oslo, Amsterdam, Madrid, Vienna in the vile sedition against God and the notorious insurrection against all of the Peoples of these God founded Nations.

Venom, poison, toxin, does not have the place to judge peoples on their God given Rights to make decisions on their lives, whether it is to take a vax or to agree that their simply being alive is a warrant for their to be enemies of the state.

The corruptions of those condemning Americans and replacing them with foreign vermin are more than wrong, they are crimes against humanity, and were damned universally in 1775 and are equally contemptible in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.

This is the End of America as America ends as she began. The sun rose on the chair Ben Franklin observed carved into that chair, but that sun is now set. Only a Christ can rectify this, and there is only one Christ., and the longer He delays, the more this leviathan of satan produces a cosmic cloud which will shake the stars from the heavens as this corruption is something even God's Nature rejects.

The Lame Cherry will never submit to the notorious corruption of those damning moral thoughts, words and deeds as crimes to unleash the genocide state against innocent People.

Wrong is wrong and it will be defined as wrong by Biblical and proven societal foundations. There is right and there is wrong, and this notorious corruption is wrong.

Nuff Said
