Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Shed Upon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Rense featured this slide of someone who was exposed to numerous vax lepers and this is the result of the blood cells stacking together.

Instead of being horrified, as I was infected twice by prion carriers who were vaxed, I contemplate that I bleed quite red yet in the distance of being exposed, I look at patterns.

These blood stacks are by design. You are not seeing long chains. Meaning whatever this is, is assembling on short chain groups, a symmetry, a Euclidean Sacred Geometry. This is not the symbol of death. This is not irregular like cancer. These vaxed cells glob onto each other, the cells are carbuncle in design. Their colors are alike. There is dimension to this, likeness, this is a design, as certain as bricks are building blocks to construct a building. The projection is that something is being deliberately created, not destroyed in the human body. This is synthetic forms.

This blog exclusively broke the story that these clots are not clots. They are associations like nerves. As tissue is not dying in most cases, that means oxygen is being converted to the flesh to sustain that body. I believe it is sugar conversions of oxygen energy, not oxygen from the lungs. Whatever the bi product of this is, if there is one, is being dealt with by the body.

This is the effect of the synthetic prion. These cells are not dying. There is nothing septic in this. These singular cells are forming longer columns. The cells are not acting as individuals but as groups. These are not round, they are not square, they are not multiple patterns or profane like cancer. These cells blocks are uniform and are serving a purpose, for the evolved human which they are transforming.

Whatever else is in the vax, these block groups are built for those features. We have seen hydras, graphene, nano bots and Moregellons fibers. There is magentism.

The first shots were placebos and different platforms. They are now being united in a 3rd booster. The prion was shed and was affecting the ReVaxNiks, in preparations. Again, those who were exposed to the original bioweapon immunity platform, appear to have a barrier to these effects. The body produces a protection like allergies in removing the prion. Those who have not recovered from the bioweapon, appear to have this cell platform in them awaiting the arrival of other trans-formative bodies. 

In a layman's view, these cell blocks from a distance almost look like crystals. There is a design in this to a finite numbers of linked together cells. There is purpose and the combinations are for the purpose of what cells are designed to do, that is transfer energy, whether it is chemical or DNA antennae of 5G type radio waves.

The prions by design construct these cell blocks to a certain number. As all is frequency, it is concluded this is the structure to transmit and receive frequency for the purpose of the transhuman being communicated with and for sending data to the source.

This has never been observed previously in nature. Nature does not alter itself unless it means to kill the host, but nature does this by disorder. This demonic information transfer is man made implemented and it is ordered out of the chaos. The block cell chains prove this was by design, to evolve humans and to produce a desired platform of this alteration.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
