Monday, October 4, 2021

The Fat War


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I remember the preliminary work on the Boeing and Lochhead Martin in what would become the F 35. The original Stallion was conventional Air Force and a turbo fan linked to jet engine in a basic PTO. It was not the Harrier swivel nozzle. That design was not part of the F 35, but the above Naval jet incorporates a swivel nozzle in the rear to assist take off.

What was a satisfactory design with some backfire problems in the jump jet, degraded immensely under Birther Hussein.

The crux of the F 35 was 3 pieces, a front and a tail, joined by a machined titanium center. There was one massive engine.

3 jets in 1.

Jets too complicated for humans to fly, so the humans turn off systems.

Jets too complicated and expensive to fly and maintain in a long term war.

America has fat soldiers. Their fat lesbian deposits if they were starving will outlast the next war.

Nuff Said
