Monday, October 4, 2021

When the skies will be cloudy all day

But my skin is tan, I hate Christians, I hate America,
surely this can't mean to harm me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Certainties are what you base a projection base upon. Without certain known events, the projection will be an assumption, calculated chance or fiction.

What I desire to explore is the shortages. They are not due to the bioweapon or the vax. This is cover.

We have witnessed shortages in lumber, in toilet paper, in ammunition again, compute chips, manufacture of all product. The reality is that with inflation, Dictator Biden has surpassed Jimmy Carter in Stagflation.

The looting of the US debt will source inflation. This is deliberate to pay for supply which is being squirreled away in the tunnels you paid for and will never be allowed into. This has been in construct for a generation, of universities as access points and Walmart in the funded Chinophile of American doom.

So this is doomsday. We have entered the period of the overthrow of the liberated order for the old order of Nimrod. This is where projections and reverse base structure comes in, for we know the 1% is taking product, stealing it by US debt, so that is a real event. We know that the military bases have been emptied. Equipment has disappeared. It is not going overseas, so that means like the Green Zone in Iraq is it gone underground.

OK computer chips, wood, ass wipe, things to kill people with are all being stored up. One stores in this kind of quantity for only one projected reason, and that is the projection in the 1% data that there will not be any production. I must repeat this as this is the focus of this examination, the only conclusion for this kind of global hording is there is no longer going to be production.

So supply will end, and so will production for a foreseeable time 

One examines then, does a pandemic stop production? No, as China is still producing as is America, and ports are overflowing.

Do wars cease production? Only to a point in production shifts to military goods, but only to a point as Hitler never made Germans suffer, the Queen still had her tea and Frank Roosevelt still smoked cigs.

Does a Depression end supply? No as supply existed in America and Germany, even if no on had money or it took a pile of money to buy bread.

So this projects into unknown events.

Could a nuclear war usher in such an end of supply. This is a probability. The necessity though would be for years of nuclear strikes.

Could a deliberate shutting down of the power grid or a solar EMP end supply? This is a greater statistical probability.

Could a wormwood event end supply. This is greater statistical probability.

Could a gene therapy be mass produced trans evolution of humans, linking to a 5G network which could make them compliant, to the extent of triggering a part of the brain to put them into a hibernation sleep, as the transformation continued, without any protest or unrest. This is a greater statistical probability.

In examining the above, nuclear weapons are in supply, but their use would not create a long term need for a mass cache. The hiding of the military indicates there is preparation for war supplies as war is a factor of this.

Stars continue to fall and Wormwood is a horizon event.

The bioweapon, the vax, the non scientific use of this serum, including Fauci's pedo vaxing of children, is the prominent use of product, generated event for effect.

Economic quakes factor into this, but without affecting production.

The conclusion in this, is that there will be several events coordinated to cease not only production, but rebuilding. The logistics of a shut down of production would avail itself of a complicity in transformed humans who accept events with a zombie response to not riot. This would seem to be an onion skin approach of layers of making the mass population manageable, reducing it, and once it is no longer in contention, that events of Biblical status would provide the immortal their caves to hide in, for a re emergence to cloudy skies or no clouds of Mars. (If the vax clots projections are correct from the Lame Cherry in oxygen is contained in sugars, and the syn blood in people will transfer immortal energy to the synforms in this manner, meaning people will not need to breathe to live, as it will be in an amino sugar exchange instead.) That group would live on Mars without any need for environment.

The reality is that the 1% like their livestock. Stock is human and in the zoos. They have taken special attention to vaxing animals to transform them to a survivable status. Immortals require their pets too and things to look at. Again, this is environment and something is out there which will interrupt food supply even for the stock. This would project as this blog had stated to a 7 year event.

It would seem that in this projection the Rothschild intends to lie down with the zoo animals.

These are the only logical projections and conclusions for this scale of hording. Production will cease and in production ceasing, it will be due to a series of tightening events, until the events makes the skies cloudy all day.

Nuff Said
